Güç bileşenlerinin dalgacık dönüşümü tabanlı hesaplanması
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Sistemler için birçok güç tanımlamaları yapılmıştır. Farklı güç tanımlamaları ve bileşenlerinin doğru bir şekilde hesaplanması ve ölçülmesi son derece önemlidir. Bu amaçla çok sayıda yöntemler ve teknikler geliştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen çalışmada; literatürde tanımlanan gelen-yansıyan-iletilen güç bileşenlerinin geleneksel Fourier dönüşümüne alternatif olarak dalgacık paket dönüşümü kullanılarak hesaplanması önerilmiştir. İlgili güç analizlerini yapmak için etkileşimli grafiksel arayüz programı tasarlanmış; önerilen hesaplama tekniğinin etkinliği ve doğruluğu, gerçekleştirilen benzetimlerle/uygulamalarla gösterilmiştir.
Many power definitions have been made for the systems. It is extremely important that different power definitions and their components are accurately calculated and measured. Various methods and techniques have been developed for this purpose. In realized study, it was proposed that calculation of incident-reflected-transmitted power components which are defined in literature can be carried out with wavelet packet transform as an alternative to the traditional Fourier transform. An interactive graphical user interface program was designed to perform related power analysis and the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed calculation technique was demonstrated by the performed simulations/applications.
Many power definitions have been made for the systems. It is extremely important that different power definitions and their components are accurately calculated and measured. Various methods and techniques have been developed for this purpose. In realized study, it was proposed that calculation of incident-reflected-transmitted power components which are defined in literature can be carried out with wavelet packet transform as an alternative to the traditional Fourier transform. An interactive graphical user interface program was designed to perform related power analysis and the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed calculation technique was demonstrated by the performed simulations/applications.
Gelen güç, Yansıyan güç, İletilen güç, Yansıyan güç kayıp faktörü, Dalgacık paket dönüşümü, Incident power, Reflected power, Transmitted power, Reflected power loss factor, Wavelet packet transform
Vatansever, F. (2020). "Güç bileşenlerinin dalgacık dönüşümü tabanlı hesaplanması". Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(2), 679-692.