Yargıda etkinlik ve verimlilik: Avukatlarla nitel bir araştırma
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada yargılama, yargıç, etkinlik, verimlilik ve adli kalite kavramlarının incelenmesi ile oluşturan teorik altyapı, Türkiye’deki mahkeme sistematiğinin ve avukatlık mesleğinin anlamlandırılması ile desteklenmiştir. Teorik kısımda ele alınan hususların uygulamadaki karşılığını inceleyebilmek amacıyla yarı yapılandırılmış açık uçlu sorular kullanılarak, 15 katılımcı ile mülakat usulü görüşme sağlanmış, yapılan bu görüşmeler neticesinde ortaya çıkan sonuçlar analiz edilerek incelenmiştir. Tez kapsamında araştırılan temel sorun, yargılama sürecinin etkinlik ve verimliliğinin avukatlar üzerindeki etkisidir. Bu minvalde katılımcılara şu üç soru yöneltilmiştir: Türkiye’deki yargılama süreci hakkındaki düşünceniz nedir? Bir avukat olarak yargı sistematiği içindeki yasal konumunuz hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz? Etkin ve verimli bir yargılama sizce nasıl olmalı? Sorulan bu sorular çerçevesinde katılımcılarda adli kalite bakımından ağırlıklı olarak bir memnuniyetsizlik durumunun hâkim olduğu gözlemlemiş, katılımcılar tarafından belirtilen sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri ayrı ayrı ele alınarak çalışma sonuçlandırılmıştır.
The theoretical framework formed by examining the concepts of adjudication, judge, efficiency, productivity, and judicial quality is supported by interpreting the court system and the legal profession in Turkey. To examine the practical implications of the subjects discussed in the theoretical part, semi-structured open-ended questions were used, and interviews were conducted with 15 participants. The results obtained from these interviews were analyzed and examined. The main issue investigated in the thesis is the effect of the efficiency and productivity of the judicial process on lawyers. In this context, the following three questions were posed to the participants: "What are your thoughts on the judicial process in Turkey?", "As a lawyer, what do you think about your legal position within the judicial system?", "In your opinion, what constitutes an effective and efficient adjudication?" Based on the questions asked, it was observed that there is predominantly a state of dissatisfaction among the participants in terms of judicial quality. The problems and solution suggestions put forward by the participants were individually considered, and the study was concluded accordingly.
The theoretical framework formed by examining the concepts of adjudication, judge, efficiency, productivity, and judicial quality is supported by interpreting the court system and the legal profession in Turkey. To examine the practical implications of the subjects discussed in the theoretical part, semi-structured open-ended questions were used, and interviews were conducted with 15 participants. The results obtained from these interviews were analyzed and examined. The main issue investigated in the thesis is the effect of the efficiency and productivity of the judicial process on lawyers. In this context, the following three questions were posed to the participants: "What are your thoughts on the judicial process in Turkey?", "As a lawyer, what do you think about your legal position within the judicial system?", "In your opinion, what constitutes an effective and efficient adjudication?" Based on the questions asked, it was observed that there is predominantly a state of dissatisfaction among the participants in terms of judicial quality. The problems and solution suggestions put forward by the participants were individually considered, and the study was concluded accordingly.
Etkinlik, Verimlilik, Yargılama süreci, Avukat, Adli kalite, Efficiency, Productivity, Judicial process, Lawyer, Judicial quality