Neoklasik realizm ve dış politika: 1 Mart Tezkeresi örneği
Yılmaz, Samet
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu tezin ana amacı, devletlerin, benzer politik koşullarda, benzer olaylara neden farklı tepkiler verdiğini ya da benzer politik koşullarda, farklı olaylara neden benzer tepkiler verdiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çerçevede, ABD'nin Irak'a müdahalesi öncesinde, Türkiye'nin politik tutumu ve 1 Mart Tezkeresi süreci, yukarıda belirtilen sorulara yanıt vermeye çalışan neo-klasik realizm çerçevesinden ele alınacaktır. Bunun yanı sıra, 1 Mart Tezkeresi sürecinde, karar alıcıların konumu, daha açık bir ifadeyle, ulusal politikadaki etkilere duyarlılığı, yine neoklasik realizm perspektifinden analiz edilecektir. Yukarıda belirtilen hususlar temelinde, birinci bölümde bir dış politika kuramı olarak, neoklasik realizmin teorik varsayımları ortaya konacaktır. Bilindiği gibi realizm, uluslararası ilişkiler teorileri içerisinde en güçlü ve en çok tartışılan teorilerin başında gelmektedir. Bu bakımdan, realizmin temel varsayımları ve realizm içerisinde ortaya çıkan farklı realizm modelleri ele alınacak ve neoklasik realizmin, realizme getirdiği yenilikler ve realizm içerisindeki konumuna değinilecektir. İkinci bölümde, 11 Eylül saldırılarının Amerikan ulusal ve uluslararası politikası üzerindeki dönüştürücü etkisi analiz edilecektir. Daha sonra, Irak meselesinin Türkiye'nin gündemine girdiği 1990-91 Körfez Krizi sırasında karar alıcıların tutumları ve bu tutumların kamuoyundaki yansımalarımı ortaya konacaktır. Bu bölüm, 11 Eylül saldırıları sonrasında ortaya çıkan konjonktürde, Türkiye'deki iktidar partisinin meseleye yaklaşımı ve ulusal politikada ortaya çıkan değişikliklerin analiz edilmesiyle son bulacaktır. Son bölümde ise Tezkere döneminde iktidarda olan AKP'nin hem ulusal politikadaki hem de Irak politikası üzerindeki etkisi incelenecektir. Bu dönemde, Türk karar alıcıları ile Amerikan karar alıcıları arasındaki gerçekleşen müzakere süreçlerinin ulusal politika sebep olduğu tepkiler ve bu tepkilere Türk karar alıcılarının duyarlılığı analiz edilecektir.
The main purpose of this thesis is to indicate why states show different reactions to similar actions in similar political conditions or why they show similar reactions to different actions in similar political conditions. In this framework, prior to USA intervention in Iraq, the political attitude of Turkey and the 1 March Bill process will be handled in accordance with neo-classical realism aiming to answer those questions stated above. Additionally, the position of decision makers, more clearly, the susceptibility of decision makers to the elements in national policy, will be analysed during the process of foreign policy making or implementing in the context of neo-classical realism. On the basis of the elements stated above, theoretical assumptions of neo-classical realism, a foreign policy theory, will be stated in the first chapter. As it is well-known that realism is one of the strongest and the most controversial theory within the theories of international relations. For that reason, the fundamental assumptions of realism and various realist models within realism will be handled, and novelties in which neo-classical realism bring and the position of neo-classical realism in realist theory will be stated. In the second chapter, the transformative effect of the September 11 on American national and international politics will be analysed. Then, the attitudes of decision makers of Turkey during the Gulf Crises in 1990-91 and the repercussions of those attitudes on public opinion will be stated. This chapter will be end up with the approach of the ruling party in Turkey after the September 11 and analysing of developments emerged in national policy of Turkey. In the last chapter, the effect of the ruling part AKP during the Bill process on both national policy and Iraq policy of Turkey will be analysed. In that term, the effect of negotiations between American and Turkish decision makers on Turkish public opinion and the susceptibility of Turkish decision makers to public opinion will be analysed in the framework of neoclassical realism.
The main purpose of this thesis is to indicate why states show different reactions to similar actions in similar political conditions or why they show similar reactions to different actions in similar political conditions. In this framework, prior to USA intervention in Iraq, the political attitude of Turkey and the 1 March Bill process will be handled in accordance with neo-classical realism aiming to answer those questions stated above. Additionally, the position of decision makers, more clearly, the susceptibility of decision makers to the elements in national policy, will be analysed during the process of foreign policy making or implementing in the context of neo-classical realism. On the basis of the elements stated above, theoretical assumptions of neo-classical realism, a foreign policy theory, will be stated in the first chapter. As it is well-known that realism is one of the strongest and the most controversial theory within the theories of international relations. For that reason, the fundamental assumptions of realism and various realist models within realism will be handled, and novelties in which neo-classical realism bring and the position of neo-classical realism in realist theory will be stated. In the second chapter, the transformative effect of the September 11 on American national and international politics will be analysed. Then, the attitudes of decision makers of Turkey during the Gulf Crises in 1990-91 and the repercussions of those attitudes on public opinion will be stated. This chapter will be end up with the approach of the ruling party in Turkey after the September 11 and analysing of developments emerged in national policy of Turkey. In the last chapter, the effect of the ruling part AKP during the Bill process on both national policy and Iraq policy of Turkey will be analysed. In that term, the effect of negotiations between American and Turkish decision makers on Turkish public opinion and the susceptibility of Turkish decision makers to public opinion will be analysed in the framework of neoclassical realism.
Dış politika, 1 Mart Tezkeresi, Neoklasik realizm, Ulusal aktörler, Ulusal politika, Domestic actors, Domestic politics, Foreing policy, The 1 March Bill, Neoclassical realism
Yılmaz, S. (2014). Neoklasik realizm ve dış politika: 1 Mart Tezkeresi örneği. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.