Zerdüştiliğin Azerbaycan kültürüne yansımaları
İsmayıllı, Tarzan
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma içerisinde asırlar öncesine dayanan Zerdüştîlik dininin doğuşu ve Azerbaycan topraklarındaki etkisi araştırılmıştır. En eski tevhidi geleneklerden biri olan Zerdüştîlik içerisindeki öğretiler, bulunduğu coğrafyanın konumunun da tesiriyle hızla yayılmaimkânı bulmuştur. Değişimler ve dönüşümlere uğramış olsa da gelişinin üzerinden asırlar geçmesine rağmen bazı kaide ve inançları günümüze kadar ulaşabilmiştir. Zerdüştîlik bilhassa Sasaniler devrinde devlet dinî olduğunda Azerbaycan hem Zerdüşt’ün doğum yeri olması hasebiyle, hem de ateşgedeler sebebiyle önemli bir konumdaydı. Bundan dolayı Azerbaycan topraklarında bu eski dine ait pek çok unsurun günümüze ulaşmış olması doğal karşılanmalıdır. Günümüzde Azerbaycan’da uygulanmakta olan bazı adet ve geleneklerin Zerdüştîlikle bağlantılı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Büyük coşkuyla kutlanan Nevruz bayramı ve Nevruz törenlerini, Zerdüştîliğin dört kutsalına has çarşambaların kutlanmasını, ateşe gösterilen saygı ve ateşin kutsallığına dair inançlar bunlara örnek gösterilebilir. Tarih içerisinde adetlerin bir kısmı dönüşüme uğramış olsa da bir kısmı başlangıçtaki haliyle günümüzde muhafaza edilmiş görünmektedir. Bu çalışma Azerbaycan’daki mevcut mimari yapılarda, dinî tören ve kutlamalarda ve halk edebiyatı nezdinde Zerdüştîlik’in yansımalarını tespit ve değerlendirme gayesiyle hazırlanmıştır.
In this study, the birth of Zoroastrianism, which dates back centuries, and its in fluence inAzerbaijan have been investigated. The teachings in Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest monotheistic traditions, had the opportunity to spread rapidly with the influence of the geographical location. Although it has undergone changes and transformations, some of its principles and beliefs have survived to the present day despite the centuries that have passed since its arrival. When Zoroastrianism became the state religion, especially in the Sassanid period, Azerbaijan was in an important position both because of being the birthplace of Zoroaster and because of the firegates. Therefore, it should be considered natural that many elements of this ancient religion have survived in Azerbaijan. It has been determined that some customs and traditions practised in Azerbaijan today are related to Zoroastrianism. The Nowruz festival and Nowruz ceremonies celebrated with great enthusiasm, the celebration of Wednesdays specific to the four saints of Zoroastrianism, the respect shown to fire and beliefs about the sanctity of fire can be given as examples. Although some of the customs have been transformed in history, some of them seem to have been preserved in their original form. This study has been prepared with the aim of identifying and evaluating the reflections of Zoroastrianism in the existing architectural structures, religious ceremonies and celebrations and folk literature in Azerbaijan.
In this study, the birth of Zoroastrianism, which dates back centuries, and its in fluence inAzerbaijan have been investigated. The teachings in Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest monotheistic traditions, had the opportunity to spread rapidly with the influence of the geographical location. Although it has undergone changes and transformations, some of its principles and beliefs have survived to the present day despite the centuries that have passed since its arrival. When Zoroastrianism became the state religion, especially in the Sassanid period, Azerbaijan was in an important position both because of being the birthplace of Zoroaster and because of the firegates. Therefore, it should be considered natural that many elements of this ancient religion have survived in Azerbaijan. It has been determined that some customs and traditions practised in Azerbaijan today are related to Zoroastrianism. The Nowruz festival and Nowruz ceremonies celebrated with great enthusiasm, the celebration of Wednesdays specific to the four saints of Zoroastrianism, the respect shown to fire and beliefs about the sanctity of fire can be given as examples. Although some of the customs have been transformed in history, some of them seem to have been preserved in their original form. This study has been prepared with the aim of identifying and evaluating the reflections of Zoroastrianism in the existing architectural structures, religious ceremonies and celebrations and folk literature in Azerbaijan.
Zerdüştîlik, Dinî ritüeller, Azerbaycan, Azerbaycan edebiyatı, Azerbaycan kültürü, Zoroastrianism, Religious rituals, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani literatüre, Azerbaijani culture