El-Müeyyed-Billah Ahmed B. Hüseyin ve Zeydi fıkhındaki yeri (Oruçla ilgili fıkhî görüşleri özelinde)
Ülker, Ömer Faruk
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Şiî gelenek içerisinde doğan ve İslam tarihi incelendiğinde kendine has birtakım ayırıcı özellikleri bulunduğu görülen Zeydiyye mezhebi, teşekkül sürecini hicri 3-4. yüzyıllarda tamamlamıştır. Bazı âlimler, mezhebin teşekkülüne yaptıkları katkı oranında, mezhep mensubu fukaha içerisinde ön plana çıkmışlardır. Bu mezhepte ön plana çıkan âlimlerden birisi de Müeyyed-Billâh Ahmed b. Hüseyin’dir. Farklı yönleriyle bu fakihin hayatını ve Zeydiyye fıkhına yaptığı etkilerle mezhepteki konumunu tespit etme hedefindeki bu çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, Zeydiyye fıkhının teşekkül süreci bu fakih merkeze alınarak anlatılmıştır. İkinci bölümde gerek Zeydî kaynaklar gerekse genel nitelikli tarih kitapları incelenmiş ve müellifin hayatı, ilmî kişiliği, hocaları, eserleri ve yaşadığı dönemle ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise Müeyyed-Billâh’ın kendi eseri olan Şerhu’t-Tecrîd’deki oruçla ilgili görüşleri incelendikten sonra müteahhirûn dönemi ulemasından İbnu’l-Miftâh’ın Şerhu’l-Ezhâr adlı eserine intikal eden görüşleri ekseninde onun mezhebe yaptığı katkılar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Mezhebin teşekkülüne katkısı bilinen müellifin, mezhebi son dönemdeki klasik biçimine ulaştıran ve yeri geldiğinde tahrîc gibi fıkhî yöntemlerle ona doğrudan katkıda bulunan isimlerden biri olduğu anlaşılmakta, sonraki dönemlerde de onun görüşlerine azımsanmayacak derecede itibar edildiği görülmektedir.
The Zaydiyya sect, which was born within the Shiite tradition and has some distinctive features when Islamic history is analysed, completed its formation process in the 3-4th centuries of Hijri. It is understood that some scholars came to the forefront among the fuqaha of the sect in proportion to their contribution to the formation of the sect. One of the prominent scholars in the Zaydiyya sect is Muayyed-Billah Ahmad b. Husayn. In the first part of this study, which aims to determine the life of Mu'ayyad-Billah in different aspects and his position in the sect with his influences on Zaydiyya fiqh, the formation process of Zaydiyya fiqh is explained by centring on Mu'ayyad-Billah. In the second part, both Zaydī sources and general history books are analysed and information about the author's life, scholarly personality, teachers, works and the period in which he lived is given. In the third chapter, after analysing the views of Mu'ayyed-Billah, whose position among the Zaydī fuqaha was determined, on fasting in his own work Sharḥ al-Tajrīd, Mu'ayyed-Billah's contributions to the sect were tried to be determined on the basis of his views transmitted to the work of Ibn al-Miftāh's Sharḥ al-Ezhār. It is understood that our author is a name who brought the madhhab to its classical form in the last period and contributed directly to the madhhab with fiqhical methods such as tahrīj when necessary, and it is seen that his views were respected to a considerable extent in the following periods.
The Zaydiyya sect, which was born within the Shiite tradition and has some distinctive features when Islamic history is analysed, completed its formation process in the 3-4th centuries of Hijri. It is understood that some scholars came to the forefront among the fuqaha of the sect in proportion to their contribution to the formation of the sect. One of the prominent scholars in the Zaydiyya sect is Muayyed-Billah Ahmad b. Husayn. In the first part of this study, which aims to determine the life of Mu'ayyad-Billah in different aspects and his position in the sect with his influences on Zaydiyya fiqh, the formation process of Zaydiyya fiqh is explained by centring on Mu'ayyad-Billah. In the second part, both Zaydī sources and general history books are analysed and information about the author's life, scholarly personality, teachers, works and the period in which he lived is given. In the third chapter, after analysing the views of Mu'ayyed-Billah, whose position among the Zaydī fuqaha was determined, on fasting in his own work Sharḥ al-Tajrīd, Mu'ayyed-Billah's contributions to the sect were tried to be determined on the basis of his views transmitted to the work of Ibn al-Miftāh's Sharḥ al-Ezhār. It is understood that our author is a name who brought the madhhab to its classical form in the last period and contributed directly to the madhhab with fiqhical methods such as tahrīj when necessary, and it is seen that his views were respected to a considerable extent in the following periods.
Zeydî Fıkhı, Fukaha Tabakatı, Müeyyed-Billâh Ahmed b. Hüseyin, Şerhu’t-Tecrîd, Şerhu’l-Ezhâr, Islamic Law, Zaydī Fiqh, Muayyad-Billah Ahmad b. Husayn, Sharḥ al-Tajrīd, Sharḥ al-Ezhār