2010-2015 yılları arasında Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim dalında takip edilen, serebrovasküler hastalık geçiren çocukların klinik, radyolojik ve laboratuvar bulguları
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada U.Ü. Tıp Fakültesi'nde Ocak 2010-Aralık 2015 tarihleri arasındaki 6 yıllık süreçte iskemik inme, hemorajik inme ve sinovenöz tromboz tanıları ile Çocuk Nöroloji polikliniklerinde ayaktan takip edilen veya serviste yatırılarak tedavi edilen 62 olgu; inme alt tipi, yaş, cinsiyet, başvuru yakınmaları, protrombotik faktörler, altta yatan hastalık, ekokardiyografi ve elektroensefalografide patolojik bulgu, görüntülemede tercih edilen yöntemler, nörolojik kayıp ve laboratuvar bulguları incelenmiştir. Çocuklarda inme nadir görülür fakat çocukluk çağı ölümleri arasında ilk 10 neden içerisinde yer alır ve yaşayanlarda morbidite yüksektir. Çalışmamızda inme alt tipi sinovenöz tromboz olan olguların yaşları, inme alt tipi arteriyel iskemik olan olgulara göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek saptandı (p=0,049; p<0,05). Arteriyel iskemik inme grubu olgularda ilk başvuru şikayetinin hemipleji olması oranı, sinovenöz tromboz grubu olgulara göre anlamlı düzeyde yüksekti (p=0,013; p<0,05). Olguların %62,9'unda (n=39) ek hastalık olduğu gözlendi. Arteriel İskemik İnme grubu olguların %56,4'ünde (n=22) ek hastalık görülürken, SinovenözTromboz İnme grubu olguların %72,7'sinde (n=16) ve Hemorajik İnme grubu olguların %100'ünde (n=1) ek hastalık görülmekteydi. En sık nedenler; %19,3 (n=12) sıklıkta saptanan edinilmiş veya konjenital kalp hastalığı idi. İnme alt tiplerine göre olgularda Lipoprotein A sonuçlarının dağılımları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmıştı (p=0,037; p<0,05). Arteriyel iskemik inme grubu olgularda lipoprotein A sonucu normal olması oranı, sinovenöztromboz grubu olgulara göre anlamlı düzeyde yüksekti (p=0,037; p<0,05). Olguların %45,9'unun (n=28) antikoagülan almadığı gözlenirken, %6,6'sının (n=4) asetil salisilik asit, %34,4'ünün (n=21) clexan, %3,3'ünün (n=2) coumadin, %3,3'ünün (n=2) coumadin – clexan, %4,9'unun (n=3) heparin ve %1,6'sının (n=1) heparin – clexan – coumadin kullandığı gözlendi. Çalışma grubumuzda hiçbir hastada tedaviye bağlı ciddi kanama saptanmadı. İnme; çocuklarda erişkinlere oranla daha az sıklıkta görülmesine karşın kalıcı beyin hasarına bağlı epilepsi, hemipleji, işitme ve konuşma bozukluklarına yol açabilmesi nedeniyle tanısı ve tedavisi önemlidir.
In this study, 62 cases of ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke and sinovenous thrombosis diagnosed between January 2010 and December 2015 at Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and monitored by pediatric neurology outpatient policlinic or hospitalized and treated by the clinic during this six year period, stroke subtype, age, gender, referral complaints, prothrombotic factors, underlying disease, pathologic findings on echocardiography and electroencephalography, preferred methods for imaging, neurological loss and laboratory findings were investigated. Stroke in children is rare but is among the top 10 causes of childhood mortality and its morbidity among the living is high. In our study, the age of patients with sinovenous thrombosis stroke subtype was significantly higher than that of arterial ischemic stroke subtype (p = 0,049, p <0,05). The rate of hemiplegia as the first application complaint was significantly higher in cases of arterial ischemic stroke group than those of sinovenous thrombosis group (p = 0,013; p <0,05). 62,9% (n = 39) of the cases were found to have an additional disease. The additional disease was identified in 56,4% (n = 22) of the Arterial ischemic stroke group, 72,7% (n = 16) of sinovenous thrombosis stroke group and 100% (n = 1) of the Hemorrhagic Stroke group. The most common causes were acquired or congenital heart diseases 19,3% (n = 12). There was a statistically significant difference between the distributions of lipoprotein A results among the cases according stroke subtypes (p = 0,037, p <0,05). The ratio of normal to lipoprotein A results in cases with arterial ischemic stroke group was significantly higher than those in sinovenous thrombosis group (p = 0,037, p <0,05). 45,9% (n=28) of the cases were not on anticoagulants whereas 6,6% (n = 4) used acetyl salicilic acid, 34,4% (n = 21) clexane, 3,3% (N = 2) coumadin, 3,3% (n = 2) coumadin - clexane, 4,9% (n = 3) heparin and 1,6% (n = 1) used heparin - clexane – Coumadin. In our study group no patient reported serious bleeding due to treatment. Stroke; although less common in children than in adults, its diagnosis and treatment is important because it causes permanent brain damage which may consequently lead to epilepsy, hemiplegia, hearing and speech disorders.
In this study, 62 cases of ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke and sinovenous thrombosis diagnosed between January 2010 and December 2015 at Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine and monitored by pediatric neurology outpatient policlinic or hospitalized and treated by the clinic during this six year period, stroke subtype, age, gender, referral complaints, prothrombotic factors, underlying disease, pathologic findings on echocardiography and electroencephalography, preferred methods for imaging, neurological loss and laboratory findings were investigated. Stroke in children is rare but is among the top 10 causes of childhood mortality and its morbidity among the living is high. In our study, the age of patients with sinovenous thrombosis stroke subtype was significantly higher than that of arterial ischemic stroke subtype (p = 0,049, p <0,05). The rate of hemiplegia as the first application complaint was significantly higher in cases of arterial ischemic stroke group than those of sinovenous thrombosis group (p = 0,013; p <0,05). 62,9% (n = 39) of the cases were found to have an additional disease. The additional disease was identified in 56,4% (n = 22) of the Arterial ischemic stroke group, 72,7% (n = 16) of sinovenous thrombosis stroke group and 100% (n = 1) of the Hemorrhagic Stroke group. The most common causes were acquired or congenital heart diseases 19,3% (n = 12). There was a statistically significant difference between the distributions of lipoprotein A results among the cases according stroke subtypes (p = 0,037, p <0,05). The ratio of normal to lipoprotein A results in cases with arterial ischemic stroke group was significantly higher than those in sinovenous thrombosis group (p = 0,037, p <0,05). 45,9% (n=28) of the cases were not on anticoagulants whereas 6,6% (n = 4) used acetyl salicilic acid, 34,4% (n = 21) clexane, 3,3% (N = 2) coumadin, 3,3% (n = 2) coumadin - clexane, 4,9% (n = 3) heparin and 1,6% (n = 1) used heparin - clexane – Coumadin. In our study group no patient reported serious bleeding due to treatment. Stroke; although less common in children than in adults, its diagnosis and treatment is important because it causes permanent brain damage which may consequently lead to epilepsy, hemiplegia, hearing and speech disorders.
Çocukluk çağında inme, Demografik bulgular, Stroke during childhood, Demographic findings
Ünlügedik, Ö. (2016). 2010-2015 yılları arasında Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim dalında takip edilen, serebrovasküler hastalık geçiren çocukların klinik, radyolojik ve laboratuvar bulguları. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.