Komünist Parti Dönemi Bulgaristan’da sivil din eğitimi (1944-1989)
Feleti, Asia Fahri
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma komünist yönetiminin baskıları ve tehditlerine rağmen dinî değerlerinden ve prensiplerinden vazgeçmeyip yeni nesillere İslam’ı anlatmaya çalışan Müslüman şahsiyetlerin sivil din eğitimi faaliyetlerini konu etmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı Bulgaristan’da dinin yasak olduğu dönemde bütün zorluklara rağmen Müslümanların dinî kimliklerine nasıl sahip çıktıklarını ve bir sivil eğitim hareketi olarak İslami eğitim geleneğini nasıl sürdürdüklerini o dönemde öne çıkan hocaların/âlimlerin hayatlarını inceleyerek tespit etmektir. Bu amaçla çalışmada bu dönemde sivil din eğitimi faaliyetlerinde etkin olan şahsiyetlerin hayat hikâyeleri özellikle eğitim faaliyetleri özelinde araştırılmış ve derlenmiştir. Komünist dönemde din eğitim faaliyetleri, gizli bir sosyal inisiyatif olarak sürdürüldüğünden bu dönemdeki din eğitim faaliyetlerini birincil kaynaklardan takip etmek güçtür. Aynı sebeple konuyla ilgili resmi kayıt da bulunmamaktadır. Bu durum literatürde bu alan ve döneme dair bilgi yetersizliğine sebep olmuştur. Literatürdeki söz konusu boşluk, bu çalışmanın temel motivasyonlarından biridir. Çalışma, Bulgaristan’da yaşayan Müslümanların tarihinden önemli bir parçayı bilimsel yöntem ile koruma altına aldığı için önemlidir. Araştırmada literatür taraması ve sözlü tarih yöntemi kullanılmıştır. İlgili literatür taranırken bazı isimlere sıklıkla işaret edildiği tespit edilmiştir. Öncelikle bu isimlerin yakınları ve öğrencileri ile yarı yapılandırılmış sorularla mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonrasında kartopu tekniği ile görüşülen bu kimselerin yönlendirdiği kişilerle görüşülmüş ve bu sayede ilgili dönemde İslam eğitimi faaliyetleri yürütmüş fakat literatürde adı geçmeyen yahut az bilinen âlimler hakkında da bilgi sahibi olunmuştur. Elde edilen bulgulardan hareketle 1944-1989 yılları arasında Bulgaristan’ın Güney bölgesinde sivil din eğitimin alanına dair faaliyetler incelenmiştir. Din eğitimi veren hocalar ve talebelerinin karşılaştığı zorluklar tespit edilmekle birlikte yaptıkları hizmetlerin kıymeti ve etkisi daha iyi anlaşılmıştır. Baskı ve engellemelere rağmen komünist dönemde din eğitimin sekteye uğramadığı ve kısmen de olsa İslam eğitim geleneğinin devam ettirildiğini ortaya konmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra sivil din eğitiminin Müslüman kimliğini koruyarak asimilasyonu engelleyen bir unsura dönüşebileceği ortaya konmuş ve Güney Bulgaristan örneğinde delilleriyle desteklenmiştir.
This research discusses the Islamic education activities of Muslim figures who despite the pressures and threats of the communist regime did not give up their religious values and principles and tried to preach Islam to new generations. The aim of this study is to determine how Muslims, despite all the difficulties, preserved their religious identity and continued the tradition of Islamic education as a civil education movement during the period when religion was banned in Bulgaria. For this purpose, this research collects and compiles the life stories of prominent scholars who lived during the communist regime in Bulgaria. Although it is not possible to collect all their life stories, efforts have been made to record their educational activities. Since religious education activities were carried out as a secret social initiative during the communist period, it is difficult to research religious education activities in this period from primary sources. For the same reason, there is no official record on the subject. This situation has caused a lack of data in the literature and this gap is one of the main motivations of the research. This study aims to contribute to the field by preserving an important part of the history of the Muslims living in Bulgaria with scientific methods. Literature review and oral history method were used in the research. Interviews given by scholars who were influential in the relevant period while they were alive were collected, examined and compiled. While scanning the relevant literature, it was determined that some names were frequently mentioned. First of all interviews were conducted with the relatives and students of these names using semi-structured questions. Afterwards, names who were spotted by these interviewees were interviewed using the snowball technique, and in this way, information was obtained about scholars who carried out Islamic education activities in the relevant period but were not mentioned in the literature or were little known. Based on the findings obtained, it has been revealed what was done in the field of civil religious education in the Southern region of Bulgaria between 1944 and 1989. The difficulties faced by the religious figures and their students were identified, and the value and the impact of their work was better understood. It was revealed that despite the oppression and the obstacles, religious education was not disrupted during the communist period and that the tradition of Islamic education was partially continued. In addition, it was shown that by preserving Muslim identity the civil religious education could become an element that prevents assimilation, and this was supported in the case of Southern Bulgaria.X
This research discusses the Islamic education activities of Muslim figures who despite the pressures and threats of the communist regime did not give up their religious values and principles and tried to preach Islam to new generations. The aim of this study is to determine how Muslims, despite all the difficulties, preserved their religious identity and continued the tradition of Islamic education as a civil education movement during the period when religion was banned in Bulgaria. For this purpose, this research collects and compiles the life stories of prominent scholars who lived during the communist regime in Bulgaria. Although it is not possible to collect all their life stories, efforts have been made to record their educational activities. Since religious education activities were carried out as a secret social initiative during the communist period, it is difficult to research religious education activities in this period from primary sources. For the same reason, there is no official record on the subject. This situation has caused a lack of data in the literature and this gap is one of the main motivations of the research. This study aims to contribute to the field by preserving an important part of the history of the Muslims living in Bulgaria with scientific methods. Literature review and oral history method were used in the research. Interviews given by scholars who were influential in the relevant period while they were alive were collected, examined and compiled. While scanning the relevant literature, it was determined that some names were frequently mentioned. First of all interviews were conducted with the relatives and students of these names using semi-structured questions. Afterwards, names who were spotted by these interviewees were interviewed using the snowball technique, and in this way, information was obtained about scholars who carried out Islamic education activities in the relevant period but were not mentioned in the literature or were little known. Based on the findings obtained, it has been revealed what was done in the field of civil religious education in the Southern region of Bulgaria between 1944 and 1989. The difficulties faced by the religious figures and their students were identified, and the value and the impact of their work was better understood. It was revealed that despite the oppression and the obstacles, religious education was not disrupted during the communist period and that the tradition of Islamic education was partially continued. In addition, it was shown that by preserving Muslim identity the civil religious education could become an element that prevents assimilation, and this was supported in the case of Southern Bulgaria.X
Bulgaristan’da İslam eğitimi, Bulgaristan’da din eğitimi, İslami din eğitimi, Sivil din eğitimi, Rodop Bölgesi, Güney Bulgaristan, Islamic education in Bulgaria, Religious education in Bulgaria, Civil religious education, Rhodopes, Southern part of Bulgaria