Bursa atmosferindeki Cupressaceae, Olea sp., Plantago sp., poaceae, Ambrosia sp. allerjenleri ve allerjik duyarlanma ilişkisinin araştırılması
Akkaya, Mine
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Olea sp. L., Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Barnhart ve Ambrosia sp. L. polenleri duyarlı bireylerde allerjik reaksiyonlara neden olan önemli atmosferik allerjenler arasında yer almaktadır. Bu atmosferik allerjenlerden Ambrosia sp. L. bitkisine ait bölgesel florsitik kayıtlar olmamasına rağmen, yapılan çalışmalar Bursa atmosferinde Ambrosia poleninin var olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu nedenle Ambrosia sp. L. poleninin Bursa'da yaşayan duyarlı bireylerde allerjik etkisinin araştırılması ayrıca önem arz etmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında Bursa atamosferinde dominant olarak bulunan ve aynı zamanda deri prick (delme) test (SPT) panelinde yer alıp hastalara uygulanan Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Olea sp. L., Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Barnhart ve Ambrosia sp. L. polenlerinin atmosferdeki miktarları ile buna bağlı olarak duyarlı bireylerde gelişen allerjik reaksiyonlar arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç ile 2017 yılında Bursa atmosferindeki polen miktarı volumetrik polen toplama tuzağı (Hirst-trap) ile belirlenmiş, eş zamanlı olarak Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Allerji Laboratuvarı'na allerji şüphesi ile başvuruda bulunan duyarlı bireylere uygulanan SPT sonuçları ve kandaki total IgE verileri elde edilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre Bursa atamosferinde Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Pinus sp. L., Quercus sp. L., Olea sp. L., Fagus sp. L., Fraxinus sp. L., Poaceae Barnhart, Acer sp.L., Ambrosia sp. L., Plantago sp. L. ve Morus sp. L. polenlerine %1'den yüksek oranda rastlanmış ve bu taksonların yıllık toplam polen indeksinin (API) %91'ini oluşturduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tez çalışmasında değerlendirmeye alınan Cupressaceae, Olea sp., Plantago sp., Poaceae ve Ambrosia sp. polenleri ise API'nin %48'ini oluşturmaktadır. Tez çalışması süresince Bursa ili sınırlarında ikamet eden 310 hastaya ait SPT verileri elde edilmiştir. Bu hastalardan %72'sinde SPT (+) olarak belirlenmiştir. Kandaki total IgE değerlerine bakılan 286 hastanın %65'inde Total IgE (+) olarak bulunmuştur. SPT (+) olan 223 hastanın %71'i total IgE (+) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Hastalara ait SPT verilerine uygulanan istatistiksel analiz sonuçlarına göre Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl. ve Poaceae Bamhart polen allerjisi cinsiyet ile pozitif, Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Bamhart ve Olea sp. L. polen allerjisi ise yaş ile pozitif ilişki göstermiştir (p<0,05). Aylara göre polikliniğe başvuran hasta sayısı ile atmosferdeki toplam polen yükü arasında anlamlı korelasyon (p=0,031; r=0,648) bulunmuştur.
Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Olea sp. L., Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Barnhart and Ambrosia sp. L. pollen are among the most important atmospheric allergens that cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Although there are no floristic records belonging to Ambrosia sp. L. from these atmospheric allergens, studies have shown that Ambrosia sp. L. pollen is present in the atmosphere of Bursa. Therefore, it is also important to investigate the allergic effect of Ambrosia sp. pollen in susceptible individuals living in Bursa. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the amount of pollens in Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Olea sp. L., Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Barnhart and Ambrosia sp. L. pollens which are predominantly found in the Bursa atamosphere and also in the skin prick test (SPT) panel. For this purpose, the amount of pollen in the Bursa atmosphere in 2017 was determined by volumetric pollen collection trap (Hirst-trap), and the results of the SPT applied to the sensitive individuals who applied to the Bursa Uludag University Medical Faculty Children's Allergy Laboratory with suspicion of allergy were Total IgE data were obtained. According to the results of the study, the incidence of Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Pinus sp. L., Quercus sp. L., Olea sp. L., Fagus sp. L., Fraxinus sp. L., Poaceae Bamhart, Acer sp. L., Ambrosia sp. L., Plantago sp. L. and Morus sp. L. pollen in Bursa atamosphere was higher than 1% and the annual total pollen index (API) of these taxa constitute 91%. In the thesis study, Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Olea sp. L., Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Bamhart and Ambrosia sp. L. pollen are the 48% of the API. SPT data of 310 patients residing in Bursa province during the thesis study were obtained. SPT (+) was determined in 72% of these patients. Total IgE values in the blood were determined as total IgE (+) in 65% of 286 patients. Of the 223 patients with SPT (+), 71% were total IgE (+). According to the results of statistical analysis applied to SPT data of patients, Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl. and Poaceae Bamhart pollen allergy was positive with gender and Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Bamhart and Olea sp. L. pollen allergy was positively correlated with age (p <0.05). There was a significant correlation (p=0.031; r=0,648) between the number of patients who applied to the outpatient clinic and the total pollen load in the atmosphere.
Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Olea sp. L., Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Barnhart and Ambrosia sp. L. pollen are among the most important atmospheric allergens that cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Although there are no floristic records belonging to Ambrosia sp. L. from these atmospheric allergens, studies have shown that Ambrosia sp. L. pollen is present in the atmosphere of Bursa. Therefore, it is also important to investigate the allergic effect of Ambrosia sp. pollen in susceptible individuals living in Bursa. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the amount of pollens in Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Olea sp. L., Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Barnhart and Ambrosia sp. L. pollens which are predominantly found in the Bursa atamosphere and also in the skin prick test (SPT) panel. For this purpose, the amount of pollen in the Bursa atmosphere in 2017 was determined by volumetric pollen collection trap (Hirst-trap), and the results of the SPT applied to the sensitive individuals who applied to the Bursa Uludag University Medical Faculty Children's Allergy Laboratory with suspicion of allergy were Total IgE data were obtained. According to the results of the study, the incidence of Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Pinus sp. L., Quercus sp. L., Olea sp. L., Fagus sp. L., Fraxinus sp. L., Poaceae Bamhart, Acer sp. L., Ambrosia sp. L., Plantago sp. L. and Morus sp. L. pollen in Bursa atamosphere was higher than 1% and the annual total pollen index (API) of these taxa constitute 91%. In the thesis study, Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl., Olea sp. L., Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Bamhart and Ambrosia sp. L. pollen are the 48% of the API. SPT data of 310 patients residing in Bursa province during the thesis study were obtained. SPT (+) was determined in 72% of these patients. Total IgE values in the blood were determined as total IgE (+) in 65% of 286 patients. Of the 223 patients with SPT (+), 71% were total IgE (+). According to the results of statistical analysis applied to SPT data of patients, Cupressaceae Rich. ex Bartl. and Poaceae Bamhart pollen allergy was positive with gender and Plantago sp. L., Poaceae Bamhart and Olea sp. L. pollen allergy was positively correlated with age (p <0.05). There was a significant correlation (p=0.031; r=0,648) between the number of patients who applied to the outpatient clinic and the total pollen load in the atmosphere.
Ambrosia sp, Cupressaceae, Olea sp, Plantago sp, Deri delme testi, Total lge, Poaceae, Skin prick test
Akkaya, M. (2018). Bursa atmosferindeki Cupressaceae, Olea sp., Plantago sp., poaceae, Ambrosia sp. allerjenleri ve allerjik duyarlanma ilişkisinin araştırılması. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.