Alabalık seminal plazmasının koç spermasının spermatolojik özellikleri ve viabilitesi üzerine etkisi
Gökdağ, Meral
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Değişik oranlarda alabalık seminal plazması içeren koç sperması TRİS ile sulandırılarak 40C’ta 72 saat süresince spermatozoon viabilitesi, motilite ve akrozom bütünlüğü yönünden incelendi. Pooling yapılan sperma TALP ile sulandırıldıktan sonra santrifüj yapılarak TALP ve koç seminal plazması ortamdan uzaklaştırıldı. Kalan sperma 4 gruba bölündü. Birinci grup sperma miktarına göre oranlanan TRİS ile diğer 3 grup ise sperma miktarına göre %20, %40, %60 oranlarda alabalık seminal sıvısı ve ardında TRİS ile sulandırıldı. Sulandırma sonrası bütün gruplar 2 saatte +4°C’ye düşürüldü. Pooling,santrifüj ve sulandırma sonrası 4°C sonrasında ve 72. saatin sonuna kadar 12 saatte bir örnekler alındı. Bu örneklerde motilite, ölü spermatozoon ve akrozom bozuklukları oranına bakıldı. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel açıdan değerlendirilmeleri için Statistica programı kullanıldı. Sonuçlar ortalama ve standart hata (±SEM) değerleri olarak sunuldu ve ortalamaların güvenilirlikleri açısından t-Test uygulandı. Aynı zamanda fark analizi olan Confidence Interval Test uygulandı ve sonuçlar grafikler halinde sunuldu. Kontrol, %20, %40 ve %60 seminal sıvı ilaveli grupların arasındaki farklar için varyans analizi (ANOVA) uygulandı ve sonuçlar LSD ile test edildi. 10 tekrarlı yapılan çalışmanın sonucunda motilite değerlendirildiğinde 24. saate kadar kontrol, 24. saatten sonra %20 alabalık seminal plazmalı grup daha iyi sonuç verdi. Canlı spermatozoon oranı 24. saatten sonra %40 grubunda diğer gruplara göre daha iyi sonuçlar verdi. Akrozom yönünden %20 ve %40 alabalık seminal sıvısı içeren gruplarda diğer gruplara göre olumlu sonuçlar alındı. Alabalık seminal plazmasının farklı sulandırıcılarla ve farklı oranlar denenerek yeni çalışmaların yapılmasında ve bu çalışmaların in vivo ortamda dondurma ve fertilite denemeleriyle desteklenmesinin yararlı olabileceği düşünülmektedir.
Ram sperm containing different ratios of trout seminal plasma and TRIS dilution preserved at 4°C was observed for 72hours with reference to spermatozoon viability, motility, and achrosomatic stability. Pooled sperm was diluted with TALP; TALP and ram seminal plasma removed by centrifuge. Sperm so obtained was divided into 4groups. Group1 sperm were diluted by TRIS diluent at ratio determined by sperm quantity. The remaining three groups of sperm were diluted by trout seminal plasma at respectively 20%, 40%, and 60% and by TRIS as determined by sperm quantity. 2 hours upon dilution, all groups were reduced to +4°C. Samples were obtained respectively after pooling, centrifugation, and diluting, at 4°C and every 12hours thereafter until the 72nd hour inclusive. Samples were examined regarding motility, spermatozoon death, achrosomatic stability. Final data was statistically evaluated by Statistica software. Results are presented in median and standard deviation (±SEM) values, t-test was implemented for median reliability. Confidence Interval Test was implemented for differential analysis and results presented graphically. ANOVA was implemented for identifying varience between control group and 20%, 40%, and 60% seminal plasma added groups. Results were tested by LSD (Least Significant Difference). Motility evaluation after the study had been repeated 10 times, indicated that while the control group yielded better result up to the 24th hour, the 20% trout seminal plasma added group yielded better result after the 24th hour. Spermatozoon death in the 40% group yielded comparatively better result after the 24th hour. In achrosomatic stability yielded better results in the 20% and 40% trout seminal plasma added groups. Furher research is in order using trout seminal plasma with diluents in varying ratios, supported by freezing and fertility experiments in in vivo environment.
Ram sperm containing different ratios of trout seminal plasma and TRIS dilution preserved at 4°C was observed for 72hours with reference to spermatozoon viability, motility, and achrosomatic stability. Pooled sperm was diluted with TALP; TALP and ram seminal plasma removed by centrifuge. Sperm so obtained was divided into 4groups. Group1 sperm were diluted by TRIS diluent at ratio determined by sperm quantity. The remaining three groups of sperm were diluted by trout seminal plasma at respectively 20%, 40%, and 60% and by TRIS as determined by sperm quantity. 2 hours upon dilution, all groups were reduced to +4°C. Samples were obtained respectively after pooling, centrifugation, and diluting, at 4°C and every 12hours thereafter until the 72nd hour inclusive. Samples were examined regarding motility, spermatozoon death, achrosomatic stability. Final data was statistically evaluated by Statistica software. Results are presented in median and standard deviation (±SEM) values, t-test was implemented for median reliability. Confidence Interval Test was implemented for differential analysis and results presented graphically. ANOVA was implemented for identifying varience between control group and 20%, 40%, and 60% seminal plasma added groups. Results were tested by LSD (Least Significant Difference). Motility evaluation after the study had been repeated 10 times, indicated that while the control group yielded better result up to the 24th hour, the 20% trout seminal plasma added group yielded better result after the 24th hour. Spermatozoon death in the 40% group yielded comparatively better result after the 24th hour. In achrosomatic stability yielded better results in the 20% and 40% trout seminal plasma added groups. Furher research is in order using trout seminal plasma with diluents in varying ratios, supported by freezing and fertility experiments in in vivo environment.
Koç, Sulandırıcı, Alabalık seminal plazması, Spermatolojik özellikler, Ram, Diluent, Trout seminal plasma, Spermatological properties
Gökdağ, M. (2006). Alabalık seminal plazmasının koç spermasının spermatolojik özellikleri ve viabilitesi üzerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.