Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi'nde yer alan iki adet zırhlı torso
Arcagök, İbrahim
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Yüksek lisans tezimizin konusunu Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi'nde yer alan iki adet mermerden yontulmuş zırhlı torso oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmamıza önce zırhlı heykellerin kökeni ile başlanmış ve bu bölümde ayrıca konu ile ilişkili daha önce yapılan yayınlar irdelenmiştir. Diğer bir bölümümüzü Antik Çağda Anadolu'da zırhlı heykel üretimi yaptığı bilinen Aphrodisias, Dokimeion ve Prokonnesos gibi atölyelerin üslup bakımından incelenmesi oluşturmuştur. Bir diğer bölümde çalışmamızın konusunu oluşturan torsoların hangi atölye/atölyelere ait olabilecekleri sorusu tartışmaya açılmıştır. Tipoloji bölümümüzde ise zırhlı torsolarımız tip olarak incelenerek benzer örnekler ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmamızın bir diğer bölümü zırhlı heykellerimizin üzerinde yer alan zırh, giysi ve aksesuarların ikonografik incelenmesine ayrılmıştır. Son bölümümüz ise tarihleme konusuna ayrılmıştır. Atölyeler bölümünde yaptığımız değerlendirme sonucunda her iki heykelimizin de Prokonnesos Atölyesi'nde yontulmuş olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Heykellerimizle tip olarak benzeyen heykellerin de Prokonnesos Atölyesi üretimi oldukları görülmüştür. Zırh üzerinde kabartma olarak verilen tanrısal atribütlerle imparator, kökenini tanrısal kahramanlara dayandırarak güçlü bir savaşçı olduğunu göstermektedir. Pteryges rozetleri üzerinde yer alan kabartma figürlerin ise imparatorun yanında savaşa katılmış olan lejyonları temsil ettiği ortaya konmuştur. Tarihleme konusunda Kat. 1'de gösterilen heykelin, Hadrian'a ait olduğu ve Gölyazı'da bir duvar üzerinde tespit ettiğimiz kaide de dikkate alınarak, Hadrian'ın Apollonia'yı ziyaret ettiği tarihlerde yapılmış olabileceği teyit edilmiştir. Diğer torsomuz ise Septimius Severus'a ait olması nedeniyle MS 2. yüzyılın sonu, MS 3. yüzyılın başı tarihinde yontulmuş olmalıdır.
The subject of this master thesis consists of two cuirassed torso carved from marble exhibited in Bursa Archaeology Museum. Our research was started with the origin of cuirassed sculptures and the previous publications and literature related to this subject were also studied in this chapter. Another part of our study was the examination of the style of workshops such as Aphrodisias, Dokimeion and Prokonnesos, which were known to produce cuirassed sculptures in Anatolia in ancient times. In another chapter, the question of which workshop or workshops could be related to these torsos which is the subject of the study was discussed. In the typology chapter, cuirassed torsos were examined as their type and they were compared with the similar samples. Another part of the study is allocated to the iconographic study of cuirass, clothing/dress and accessories on the cuirassed sculptures which is studied within the scope of this thesis. The last part is reserved to dating. As a result of the evaluation in the workshops chapter, it was concluded that both of our statues could be carved in the Prokonnesos Workshop. The statues resembling those of our sculptures were also seen as the production of Prokonnesos Workshop. With the divine symbols shown as relief on the cuirass, the emperor demonstrates that he is a powerful warrior basing his origin on divine heroes. The relief figures of Pteryges rosettes were shown to represent legions who joined the war alongside the emperor. It is confirmed that the statue shown in Cat.1, which is dated to Hadrian, may have been made at the time of Hadrian's visit to Apollonia by taking into consideration the base that we have located on a wall in Gölyazı. The other torso belongs to Septimius Severus and should be carved after the end of the 2nd century AD and the beginning of the 3rd century AD.
The subject of this master thesis consists of two cuirassed torso carved from marble exhibited in Bursa Archaeology Museum. Our research was started with the origin of cuirassed sculptures and the previous publications and literature related to this subject were also studied in this chapter. Another part of our study was the examination of the style of workshops such as Aphrodisias, Dokimeion and Prokonnesos, which were known to produce cuirassed sculptures in Anatolia in ancient times. In another chapter, the question of which workshop or workshops could be related to these torsos which is the subject of the study was discussed. In the typology chapter, cuirassed torsos were examined as their type and they were compared with the similar samples. Another part of the study is allocated to the iconographic study of cuirass, clothing/dress and accessories on the cuirassed sculptures which is studied within the scope of this thesis. The last part is reserved to dating. As a result of the evaluation in the workshops chapter, it was concluded that both of our statues could be carved in the Prokonnesos Workshop. The statues resembling those of our sculptures were also seen as the production of Prokonnesos Workshop. With the divine symbols shown as relief on the cuirass, the emperor demonstrates that he is a powerful warrior basing his origin on divine heroes. The relief figures of Pteryges rosettes were shown to represent legions who joined the war alongside the emperor. It is confirmed that the statue shown in Cat.1, which is dated to Hadrian, may have been made at the time of Hadrian's visit to Apollonia by taking into consideration the base that we have located on a wall in Gölyazı. The other torso belongs to Septimius Severus and should be carved after the end of the 2nd century AD and the beginning of the 3rd century AD.
Bithynia, Apollonia, Heykel, Zırhlı heykel, Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi, Hadrian, Sculpture, Bursa Archaeology Museum, Hadrian
Arcagök, İ. (2019). Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi'nde yer alan iki adet zırhlı torso. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.