Helminth parasites of the Agile Frog, Rana dalmatina Fitzinger, 1839 (Anura: Ranidae), collected from two localities in Turkey

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Inst Zoology


A total of 32 agile frogs, Rana dalmatina Fitzinger, 1839, were collected from two localities (Trabzon and Yalova Provinces) between 1998-2008 and studied for the presence of helminth parasites. The following species were recorded: one species of Monogenea (Polystoma mazurmovici), three species of Digenea (Gorgodera cygnoides, Pleurogenoides medians and Haplometra cylindracea), four species of Nematoda (Rhabdias bufonis, Oswaldocruzia filiformis, Cosmocerca ornata and Oxysomatium brevicaudatum), and one species of Acanthocephala (Acanthocephalus ranae). Rana dalmatina represents a new host record for Polystoma mazurmovici and Gorgodera cygnoides in Turkey. Turkey is a new geographical record for Haplometra cylindracea. A checklist of helminth parasites recorded from Rana dalmatina throughout its geographical range is presented.



Zoology, Helminth, Agile frog, Rana dalmatina, Turkey, Tree frog, Hylidae


Yıldırımhan, H. S. vd. (2016). "Helminth parasites of the Agile Frog, Rana dalmatina Fitzinger, 1839 (Anura: Ranidae), collected from two localities in Turkey". Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 68(3), 425-432.
