CRISPR/CAS9-sitidin baz düzenleme tekniği kullanılarak herbisite toleranslı havuç genotiplerinin geliştirilmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Geçtiğimiz son 10 yılda bitki biyoteknolojisinde çok önemli değişimler yaşanmıştır. Genom düzenleme tekniklerinin keşfi ve bitki genomlarına uyarlanması, bitki biyolojisi çalışmalarını da oldukça hızlandırmıştır. Bugün modern ıslah teknikleri içerisinde en güvenilir, merak edilen ve en çok uygulanan genom düzenleme teknolojisi CRISPR/Cas9’dur. Yabancı otlar tüm dünyada tarım arazilerinin en büyük sorunları arasındadırlar. Yabancı otlar güneşin sağladığı ışık, toprakta bulunan besin elementleri hatta arazilerde kullanılan gübreler için bile tarım bitkileri ile rekabet halindedirler. Yabancı otlarla mücadelede en sık kullanılan yöntem herbisit uygulamalarıdır. Herbisit kullanımının yabancı ot kontrolü, ürün veriminde artış, zararlı bitki hastalıklarının kontrolü gibi olumlu etkilerinin yanı sıra toprakta yaşayan mikroorganizmaları öldür erektoprak kalitesini düşürmesi, toprakta aşırı birikimi ve sularda kirlenme, yabancı ot popülasyonunda kullanılan herbisitlere direnç gelişiminin oluşması gibi olumsuz yönleride vardır. Herbisite toleranslı tarım bitkilerinin arazilerde yetiştirilmesinin yabancı otlarla mücadele kolaylığı, arazi temizliği, ürün veriminde artış, tarım ekonomisine katkı gibi önemli etkileri vardır. Herbisite toleranslı tarım bitkilerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik araştırmalarda genom düzenleme teknolojilerinden CRISPR/Cas9 sistemi sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. ALS enzimi bitkilerde valin, lösin, izolösin amino asitlerinin sentezinden sorumludur. Bu amino asitler bitkilerde protein sentezi, enerji üretimi gibi metabolik süreçlerde çeşitli görevler almaktadırlar. Bu tez çalışmasında CRISPR/Cas9-Sitidin Baz Düzenleme teknolojisi kullanılarak, havuç (Daucus carota L.) genomunda bulunan ALS gen bölgeleri hedeflenmiştir. Bitki eksplantlarına Agrobacterium-aracılı transformasyon yapılmıştır. 187 hipokotil eksplantının Agrobacterium ile inokülasyonun ardından 10 adet transgenik havuç bitkisi elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen transformasyon etkinliği %5,35’dir. Yapılan bu tez çalışmasında, çalışmanın amacı olan ALS inhibitörü herbisitlerden sulfonylurea sınıfı herbisitlere toleranslı havuç genotiplerielde edilmiştir.
In the past decade, significant changes have occurred in plant biotechnology. The discovery of genome editing techniques and their adaptation to plant genomes have accelerated studies in plant biology. Today, within modern breeding techniques, the most reliable, intriguing, and widely applied genome editing technology is CRISPR/Cas9. Weeds are big problems in agricultural fields worldwide. They compete with crops for sunlight, soil nutrients, and even fertilizers used in the fields. The most commonly used method in combating foreign weeds is herbicide applications. The use of herbicides has both positive effects, such as controlling weeds, increasing crop yield, and managing harmful plant diseases, and negative aspects, including the depletion of soil quality by killing soil-dwelling microorganisms, accumulation in soil leading to contamination of water and the development of resistance in weed populations to these chemicals. The cultivation of herbicide-tolerant crops has significant benefits in agricultural fields, including ease of weed control, land cleanliness, increased crop yield, and contributions to agricultural economy. Genomic editing technologies, particularly the CRISPR/Cas9 system, are commonly employed in research aimed at the development of herbicide-tolerant crops. ALS enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of valine, leucine, and isoleucine amino acids in plants. These amino acids play various roles in metabolic processes such as protein synthesis and energy production in plants. In this thesis, the CRISPR/Cas9-Cytidine Base Editing technology was employed to target the ALS gene regions in the carrot (Daucus carota L.) genome. Plant explants were subjected to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. After inoculation with Agrobacterium, 10 transgenic carrot plants were obtained from 187 hypocotyl explants. The transformation efficiency was 5.35% in this study. In this thesis, carrot genotypes tolerant to sulfonylurea herbicides, which are ALS inhibitor herbicides, were obtained.
In the past decade, significant changes have occurred in plant biotechnology. The discovery of genome editing techniques and their adaptation to plant genomes have accelerated studies in plant biology. Today, within modern breeding techniques, the most reliable, intriguing, and widely applied genome editing technology is CRISPR/Cas9. Weeds are big problems in agricultural fields worldwide. They compete with crops for sunlight, soil nutrients, and even fertilizers used in the fields. The most commonly used method in combating foreign weeds is herbicide applications. The use of herbicides has both positive effects, such as controlling weeds, increasing crop yield, and managing harmful plant diseases, and negative aspects, including the depletion of soil quality by killing soil-dwelling microorganisms, accumulation in soil leading to contamination of water and the development of resistance in weed populations to these chemicals. The cultivation of herbicide-tolerant crops has significant benefits in agricultural fields, including ease of weed control, land cleanliness, increased crop yield, and contributions to agricultural economy. Genomic editing technologies, particularly the CRISPR/Cas9 system, are commonly employed in research aimed at the development of herbicide-tolerant crops. ALS enzyme is responsible for the synthesis of valine, leucine, and isoleucine amino acids in plants. These amino acids play various roles in metabolic processes such as protein synthesis and energy production in plants. In this thesis, the CRISPR/Cas9-Cytidine Base Editing technology was employed to target the ALS gene regions in the carrot (Daucus carota L.) genome. Plant explants were subjected to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. After inoculation with Agrobacterium, 10 transgenic carrot plants were obtained from 187 hypocotyl explants. The transformation efficiency was 5.35% in this study. In this thesis, carrot genotypes tolerant to sulfonylurea herbicides, which are ALS inhibitor herbicides, were obtained.
CRISPR/Cas9, Sitidin baz editörü, ALS geni, Havuç, Agrobacterium-aracılı transformasyon, Cytidine base editör, ALS gene, Carrot, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
Acun, D. Z. A. (2024). CRISPR/CAS9-sitidin baz düzenleme tekniği kullanılarak herbisite toleranslı havuç genotiplerinin geliştirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.