Munzir el-Kabbânî’nin Hukûmetu’z-Zıll adlı romanının incelenmesi
Olhan, Müberra Aydın
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Suûdi romancı Munzir el-Kabbânî’nin Hukûmetu’z-Zıll adlı romanı, yazarın mesleği olan tıp doktorluğunun yanı sıra Arap dünyasındaki edebi kimliğiyle ortaya çıkardığı ilk romanıdır. Suûdi Arap edebiyatına yeni bir perspektif kazandıran yazar, tarih ve gerilim unsurlarını bir arada kullanarak kurguladığı anlatı ile kısa sürede okuyucunun beğenisini kazanmıştır. Bu yeni kurgu üslubu Arap toplumunda daha önce takip edilen yabancı romanlardaki üslup ve anlatı biçimi olarak tanınmaktaydı. Munzir el-Kabbânî özgün üslubuyla eserlerinde yer verdiği konu ve toplumsal öğelerin yazıda hayat bulmuş halleriyle okuyucunun karşısına çıkarken, yabancı yazarlardan etkilendiği gerçeğini de gizlememektedir. Bu çalışmada Suudi Arabistan genelinde yeni bir tür mesabesinde olup, edebiyat dünyasında ses getiren Hukûmetu’z-Zıll adlı eser incelenmiştir. Öncelikle eserin türü olan ‘roman’ hakkında temel bilgiler verilmiş, daha sonra romanın yazarı ve eserinin barındırdığı öğeler roman tahlili metoduyla tanıtılmaya çalışılmıştır. Osmanlı döneminin bazı olay ve kişilerini de konu alan roman, Türkiye’deki okuyucu kitlesine tanıtılmak amacıyla böyle bir çalışmada ele alınmıştır.
The novel Hukûmetu'z Zıll, by Saudi novelist Mundhır al-Qabbânî, is the first novel of the author that he revealed with his literaryidentity in the Arab world, in addition to his profession as a medical doctor. The author, who brought a new perspective to Saudi Arabi an literature, wonthereader's appreciation in a short time with the narrative he constructed by using historical and tension elements together. This new style of fiction wasknown in Arab society as the style and narrative form in foreign novels that were followed before. Mundhır al-Qabbâni does not hide the fact that he was influenced by foreign writers in meeting the readers with the subject and social elements that he included in his Works with his original style. Inthisstudy, we have examined the work called "The Shadow Government", which is a newgenre in Saudi Arabia and has made a great impression in the literary world. First of all, by giving basic information about the genre of thework, the 'novel', the author of the novel and the elements of his work were examine dandin troduced. In this study, the novel, whichal sodeals with some events and people in the Ottoman period, is discussed in order to introduceit to the reader ship in Turkey.
The novel Hukûmetu'z Zıll, by Saudi novelist Mundhır al-Qabbânî, is the first novel of the author that he revealed with his literaryidentity in the Arab world, in addition to his profession as a medical doctor. The author, who brought a new perspective to Saudi Arabi an literature, wonthereader's appreciation in a short time with the narrative he constructed by using historical and tension elements together. This new style of fiction wasknown in Arab society as the style and narrative form in foreign novels that were followed before. Mundhır al-Qabbâni does not hide the fact that he was influenced by foreign writers in meeting the readers with the subject and social elements that he included in his Works with his original style. Inthisstudy, we have examined the work called "The Shadow Government", which is a newgenre in Saudi Arabia and has made a great impression in the literary world. First of all, by giving basic information about the genre of thework, the 'novel', the author of the novel and the elements of his work were examine dandin troduced. In this study, the novel, whichal sodeals with some events and people in the Ottoman period, is discussed in order to introduceit to the reader ship in Turkey.
Arap dili, Arap romanı, Munzir el-Kabbâni, Siyasi roman, Tarihi roman, Arabic language, Arabic novel, Mundhır al-Qabbâni, Politic novel, Historical novel