Abdurrahman Munîf'in Sibâku'l-Mesafati't-Tavîle adlı eserinin roman tekniği açısından incelenmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Avrupa kıtasında XVII. yüzyılda ortaya çıkan roman türünün, Arabistan Yarımadası'nda ilk nüvelerini vermesi XVIII. yüzyıla denk gelen bir zamanda gerçekleşmiştir. Romanın bir alt türü olan tarihsel romanın ortaya çıkışı ise, Avrupa kıtasında XVIII. yüzyıla, Arabistan Yarımadası'nda ise XIX. yüzyıla rastlamaktadır. Bu edebî türün Arap Edebiyatı içerisinde belli bir hüviyet kazanması ise ancak XX. Yüzyılın ikinci yarısı itibarıyla olmuştur. 'Abdurraḥmân Munîf (1933-2004), roman türünün Olgunlaşma Dönemi'nin başlangıcı olarak kabul edilen II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasındaki süreçte edebiyat sahasına girmiş ve Modern Arap Edebiyatı'nın seçkin yazarları arasında yer almıştır. Arap toplumunda "diriliş" niteliğinde bir değişim gerçekleşmesine katkıda bulunmak amacıyla yazdığı eserlerinde Arap bireyinin yaşadığı kimlik bunalımı, demokrasi ve özgürlükler sorunu, kadın hakları, Arap birliğinin sağlanması gibi birtakım sosyal ve siyasî problemleri konu edinmiştir. Çalışmada incelenilen "Sibâḳu'l-Mesâfâti'ṭ-Ṭavîle" adlı romanında Munîf, İngiltere ve Amerika'nın II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında İran'daki petrol yataklarının denetimi üzerinden giriştikleri mücadeleyi temel almıştır. Ayrıca eserde başkarakter aracılığıyla "Oryantalizm" konusu da işlenmiştir.
The type of novel that came out in the European continent in the XVII century took its first roots in Arabian Peninsula at a time around XVIII century. The emergence of historical novel, which is one of the sub-genres of novel, was around XVIII century for European continent and XIX century for Arabian Peninsula. For this type of literature to earn recognition within Arabic Literature took place in the second half of the XX century. Abd al-Rahman Mounif (1933-2004) stepped into the area of literature during the period that followed the post 2nd World War, which is accepted as the beginning of the Maturity Period of novel genre, and he became one of the distinguished writers of the Modern Arabic Literature. In the works he wrote with the purpose to contribute to the Arabian society's change as similar to "resurrection", he wrote about social and political problems such as the identity crisis of an Arab individual, problems of democracy and freedom, women's rights and establishing Arab union. In his novel called "Sibaq al-Masafat al-Tavilah", which is analyzed in this study, Mounif took the struggle between England and America over the control of the oil reservoirs in Iran after the 2nd World War as his bases. Besides, the subject of "Orientalism" was also discussed in the work through its main character.
The type of novel that came out in the European continent in the XVII century took its first roots in Arabian Peninsula at a time around XVIII century. The emergence of historical novel, which is one of the sub-genres of novel, was around XVIII century for European continent and XIX century for Arabian Peninsula. For this type of literature to earn recognition within Arabic Literature took place in the second half of the XX century. Abd al-Rahman Mounif (1933-2004) stepped into the area of literature during the period that followed the post 2nd World War, which is accepted as the beginning of the Maturity Period of novel genre, and he became one of the distinguished writers of the Modern Arabic Literature. In the works he wrote with the purpose to contribute to the Arabian society's change as similar to "resurrection", he wrote about social and political problems such as the identity crisis of an Arab individual, problems of democracy and freedom, women's rights and establishing Arab union. In his novel called "Sibaq al-Masafat al-Tavilah", which is analyzed in this study, Mounif took the struggle between England and America over the control of the oil reservoirs in Iran after the 2nd World War as his bases. Besides, the subject of "Orientalism" was also discussed in the work through its main character.
Modern Arap edebiyatı, Roman, Roman inceleme teknikleri, 'Abdurraḥmân Munîf, Sibaḳu'l-Mesafati'ṭ-Ṭavile, Modern Arabic literature, Novel, Novel analysis techniques
Erbay, H. (2015). Abdurrahman Munîf'in Sibâku'l-Mesafati't-Tavîle adlı eserinin roman tekniği açısından incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.