Fuâd et-Tekerlî ve romancılığı
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Irak romanının diğer Arap ülkelerine kıyasla geç teşekkül ettiği bir dönemde Fuâd et-Tekerlî (1927-2008), edebiyat kariyerine başarılı bir öykü yazarı ve romancı olarak adım attı. Özellikle XX. yüzyılın ortasından itibaren yazdığı öyküler ve romanlarla edebiyat, kültür ve eleştiri dünyasını etkileyen büyük bir miras bıraktı. Irak'ın tarihsel ve sosyal bağlamında yaşanan deneyimlerini yansıtarak toplumsal, kültürel ve siyasi baskıları içeren son derece önemli romanlar yazdı. Romanları, monarşinin devrilmesi, Arap milliyetçiliğinin yükselişi ve Baas rejimi gibi, XX. yüzyılda Irak'ta yaşanan çalkantılı siyasi ve sosyal değişimlerden derinden etkilendi. Modern roman tekniklerinin tamamını özümseyen Tekerlî, bunları romanlarında başarılı bir şekilde uygulayarak Irak romanının gelişiminde kilit rol oynadı. Romanları, Irak toplumunun 1910 ilâ 1994 yılları arasındaki durumunu ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele alırken, karakterlerin psikolojik analizlerini farklı anlatım teknikleriyle ve varoluşçu bir perspektifle işleyerek okuyuculara olayları değerlendirme fırsatı sunar. Romanlarında, Irak'ın tarihine, toplum yapısına, fakirliğe, kadın sorunlarına ve kadınların ekonomik durumlarına dair birçok sosyal konuyu işler. Tekerlî, birey ve toplum arasındaki ilişkiyi âdeta bir sosyolog gözüyle tahlil etmesi açısından dikkat çeker. Onun romancılığı, insan varoluşunu ve modern toplumun karmaşıklığını dile getirmesi yönüyle analitik bir derinliğe sahiptir. Tekerlî, romanın, toplumsal değişimi ivmelendirme potansiyeli olduğuna inanır ve bu nedenle yazısının gücünü hümanist değerlere, empatiye ve şefkate dayandırır. Sonuç olarak, Tekerlî'nin roman yazarlığı, toplumun çatışmalarını ve karmaşıklıklarını sanatsal bir şekilde ifade etme yeteneğiyle temellenir. Onun romanları, insanların iç dünyalarını keşfetme, toplumsal ve politik güçleri anlama yeteneğini artırmaya devam edecektir.
During a period when the Iraqi novel was established relatively late compared to other Arab countries, Fuād al-Takarlī (1927-2008) embarked on his literary career as a successful short story writer and novelist. Particularly from the mid-20th century onwards, with his stories and novels, he left a significant legacy that influenced the literary, cultural, and critical world. He wrote highly important novels that reflected the experiences in the historical and social context of Iraq, encompassing societal, cultural, and political pressures. His novels were deeply impacted by the turbulent political and social changes in Iraq during the 20th century, including the overthrow of the monarchy, the rise of Arab nationalism, and the Ba'ath regime. al-Takarlī, who absorbed all modern novel techniques, played a key role in the development of the Iraqi novel by successfully applying them in his novels. His novels provide readers with the opportunity to evaluate events through different narrative techniques and an existentialist perspective while delving into the psychological analysis of characters. In his novels, he explores numerous social issues related to Iraq's history, societal structure, poverty, women's issues, and the economic status of women. al-Takarlī's analysis of the relationship between the individual and society is notable, almost like that of a sociologist. His storytelling possesses analytical depth in its ability to express human existence and the complexity of modern society. al-Takarlī believed in the potential of literature to accelerate social change and, therefore, grounded the power of his writing in humanistic values, empathy, and compassion. In conclusion, al-Takarlī's novelistic prowess is founded on his artistic ability to express the conflicts and intricacies of society. His novels will continue to enhance the understanding of people's inner worlds and social and political forces.
During a period when the Iraqi novel was established relatively late compared to other Arab countries, Fuād al-Takarlī (1927-2008) embarked on his literary career as a successful short story writer and novelist. Particularly from the mid-20th century onwards, with his stories and novels, he left a significant legacy that influenced the literary, cultural, and critical world. He wrote highly important novels that reflected the experiences in the historical and social context of Iraq, encompassing societal, cultural, and political pressures. His novels were deeply impacted by the turbulent political and social changes in Iraq during the 20th century, including the overthrow of the monarchy, the rise of Arab nationalism, and the Ba'ath regime. al-Takarlī, who absorbed all modern novel techniques, played a key role in the development of the Iraqi novel by successfully applying them in his novels. His novels provide readers with the opportunity to evaluate events through different narrative techniques and an existentialist perspective while delving into the psychological analysis of characters. In his novels, he explores numerous social issues related to Iraq's history, societal structure, poverty, women's issues, and the economic status of women. al-Takarlī's analysis of the relationship between the individual and society is notable, almost like that of a sociologist. His storytelling possesses analytical depth in its ability to express human existence and the complexity of modern society. al-Takarlī believed in the potential of literature to accelerate social change and, therefore, grounded the power of his writing in humanistic values, empathy, and compassion. In conclusion, al-Takarlī's novelistic prowess is founded on his artistic ability to express the conflicts and intricacies of society. His novels will continue to enhance the understanding of people's inner worlds and social and political forces.
Fuâd et-Tekerlî, Irak romanı, Toplumcu gerçekçi, Varoluşçu, Fuād al-Takarlī, Iraqi novel, Socialist realist, Existentialist
Batur, İ. (2023). Fuâd et-Tekerlî ve romancılığı. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.