Tasavvuftaki nefs terbiyesinin manevi danışmanlık ve rehberliğe etkisi
Kartal, Birgül
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada modern psikolojinin kuram ve kavramlarının manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik alanı ile olan bağlantısı ele alınmaktadır. Manevi ve mistik eğilimlerin psikoloji üzerindeki etkilerinden yola çıkarak İslam inancındaki tasavvuf anlayışı içerisindeki önemli bir öğreti olan nefs terbiyesi kavramı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Nefs terbiyesi öğretisinin manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik alanında bir terapi yöntemi olarak kullanılabileceği konusu ele alınmıştır. Batının modern psikoloji anlayışındaki insanın manevi yönünü göz ardı eden yaklaşımı sonucu insanın psikolojik sorunlarını çözme konusundaki yetersizlikleri değerlendirilmiştir.
In this study, the theories and concepts of modern psychology and its connection with the field of spiritual counseling and guidance are discussed. Based on theeffects of spiritual and mystical tendencies on psychology, the concept of self-discipline, which is an important doctrine with in the understanding of Sûfism in İslamic faith, is emphasized. The issue that the teaching of self-discipline can be used as a therapy method in the field of spiritual counseling and guidance is discussed. As a result of the Western approach to modern psychology, which ignores the spiritual aspect of humans, the problem of solving human psychological problems has become increasingly difficult. Their deficiencies have been evaluated.
In this study, the theories and concepts of modern psychology and its connection with the field of spiritual counseling and guidance are discussed. Based on theeffects of spiritual and mystical tendencies on psychology, the concept of self-discipline, which is an important doctrine with in the understanding of Sûfism in İslamic faith, is emphasized. The issue that the teaching of self-discipline can be used as a therapy method in the field of spiritual counseling and guidance is discussed. As a result of the Western approach to modern psychology, which ignores the spiritual aspect of humans, the problem of solving human psychological problems has become increasingly difficult. Their deficiencies have been evaluated.
Psikolojik/manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik, Tasavvuf, Nefs, Nefs terbiyesi, Seyr ü sülûk, Psychological/spiritual counseling and guidance, Sûfism, Self-discipline