Pamuklu kumaşlarda kombine enzim proseslerinin geliştirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu tez çalışmasında, enzimlerle kombine olarak pamuk kumaşa ön terbiye işlemleri yapılmıştır. Çalışmada haşıl sökme, hidrofilleştirme, biyo-parlatma işlemleri enzimlerle kombine olarak farklı sıcaklıklarda, sürelerde, pH'larda ve konsantrasyonlarda yapılmıştır. Enzimlerle üçlü, ikili ve tekli olarak çalışılmıştır. Enzimatik ön işlemin sonuçları konvansiyonel ön işlem ve ham kumaşın test sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında yırtılma mukavemeti, hidrofilite, beyazlık, parlaklık, haşıl sökme ve boncuklanma testleri yapılmıştır. Deneyin ilk kısmını oluşturan üçlü enzim kullanımlarından elde edilen sonuçlara göre, bazik ortamda yapılan enzimatik işlemin beyazlık, parlaklık, hidrofilite değerleri asidik ortamın değerlerinden yüksekken, asidik ortamın da yırtılma mukavemeti değerleri daha yüksek çıkmıştır. Konvansiyonel ön işlem en düşük yırtılma mukavemeti değerini verirken, en yüksek beyazlık, parlaklık, hidrofilite değerlerini vermiştir. Haşıl sökme ve boncuklanmada enzimatik ve konvansiyonel işlemler arasında fark görülmemiştir. Sıcaklık ve süre artışı, yırtılma mukavemeti değerlerinde azalmaya sebep olurken, beyazlık, parlaklık ve hidrofilite değerlerini artırmış, boncuklanma ve haşıl sökme değerlerinde değişiklik yaratmamıştır. Deneyin ikinci kısmında, enzimler ikili kombinasyonlar halinde artan konsantrasyonlarda, farklı pH'larda, sabit sıcaklık ve sürede kullanılmışlardır. Konsantrasyon artışı, yırtılma mukavemeti hariç bütün testlerin değerlerinde artış sağlamıştır. Asidik ortamda çalışan enzimlerin sadece yırtılma mukavemeti değerleri bazik ortama göre daha iyidir. Bazik ortamda işleme sokulan pektinaz+selülaz kombinasyonu en düşük yırtılma mukavemeti, beyazlık, parlaklık ve en yüksek hidrofilite değerlerini vermiştir. Deneyin üçüncü kısmında enzimler tekli olarak kullanılmıştır. Çıkan sonuçlara göre amilaz enzimi haşılın uzaklaşmasını sağlayarak beyazlık ve parlaklıkta, selülaz ve pektinaz enzimleri pamuktaki safsızlıkların uzaklaştırılmasını sağlayarak hidrofilitede artışa sağlamıştır. Selülaz enzimi aynı zamanda selülozun hidrolizine sebep olarak yırtılma mukavemeti kaybında artışa sebep olmuştur. Enzimatik kombine işlem çok daha kısa sürelerde ve çok daha düşük sıcaklıklarda yapılmasına rağmen konvansiyonel yönteme yakın değerler vermiştir.
In this thesis, pretreatment was done to the cotton fabric by combined enzymes. In the study desizing, scouring, bio-polishing operations were done combined with enzymes at different temperatures, durations, pH values and concentrations. The study was done by triple, double and single enzymes usage. The results of the enzymatic pre-treatment was compared with the test results of conventional pre-treatment and greige fabric. Tear strength, wettability, whiteness, brightness, desizing and pilling tests were done in the content of the study. According to the results got from the usage of the triple enzymes which was the first part of the experiment; as whiteness, brightness, wettability values of the enzymatic treatment were better in alkaline medium than acidic medium, tear strength values of the enzymatic treatment were higher in acidic medium. As conventional pre-treatment gave the minimum tear strength value, it also gave the maximum whiteness, brightness and wettability values. There was no difference observed for the scouring and pilling between enzymatic and conventional pre-treatment. Increase of the temperature and duration caused decrease on the tear strength values, it increased whiteness, brightness and wettability values and it didn't change the pilling and desizing values. In the second part of the experiment, enzymes were used as double combinations with increasing concentrations and different pH values, at constant temperature and duration. Increase of concentration provided increase in every test results except tear strength. Only tear strength values of the enzymes in acidic medium was better than alkaline medium. Pectinase+cellulase enzyme combination in the alkaline medium gave the minimum tear strength, whiteness, brightness values and maximum wettability values. In the third part of the experiment enzymes were used as singles. As a result amylase enzyme provided increase of the whiteness and brightness by desizing, cellulase and pectinase enzymes provided increase of wettability by removing the impurities from the cotton. At the same time ceullase enzyme caused increase of the loss of the tear strength by hydrolysis of cellulose. Although combined enzymatic pretreatment was done at much more short durations and much more low temperatures it gave close results to the conventional pretreatment.
In this thesis, pretreatment was done to the cotton fabric by combined enzymes. In the study desizing, scouring, bio-polishing operations were done combined with enzymes at different temperatures, durations, pH values and concentrations. The study was done by triple, double and single enzymes usage. The results of the enzymatic pre-treatment was compared with the test results of conventional pre-treatment and greige fabric. Tear strength, wettability, whiteness, brightness, desizing and pilling tests were done in the content of the study. According to the results got from the usage of the triple enzymes which was the first part of the experiment; as whiteness, brightness, wettability values of the enzymatic treatment were better in alkaline medium than acidic medium, tear strength values of the enzymatic treatment were higher in acidic medium. As conventional pre-treatment gave the minimum tear strength value, it also gave the maximum whiteness, brightness and wettability values. There was no difference observed for the scouring and pilling between enzymatic and conventional pre-treatment. Increase of the temperature and duration caused decrease on the tear strength values, it increased whiteness, brightness and wettability values and it didn't change the pilling and desizing values. In the second part of the experiment, enzymes were used as double combinations with increasing concentrations and different pH values, at constant temperature and duration. Increase of concentration provided increase in every test results except tear strength. Only tear strength values of the enzymes in acidic medium was better than alkaline medium. Pectinase+cellulase enzyme combination in the alkaline medium gave the minimum tear strength, whiteness, brightness values and maximum wettability values. In the third part of the experiment enzymes were used as singles. As a result amylase enzyme provided increase of the whiteness and brightness by desizing, cellulase and pectinase enzymes provided increase of wettability by removing the impurities from the cotton. At the same time ceullase enzyme caused increase of the loss of the tear strength by hydrolysis of cellulose. Although combined enzymatic pretreatment was done at much more short durations and much more low temperatures it gave close results to the conventional pretreatment.
Çevre dostu, Temiz üretim, Sürdürülebilir üretim, Amilaz, Pektinaz, Selülaz, Pullinaz, Enzim, Kombine ön işlem, Eco-friendly, Cleaner production, Sustainable production, Amylase, Pectinase, Cellulase, Pullinase, Enzyme, Combine pre-treatment
Toprak, T. (2014). Pamuklu kumaşlarda kombine enzim proseslerinin geliştirilmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.