Ahıska türkü kadınların işgücü piyasasına katılım ve uyumlarının analizi: Güzellik ve kişisel bakım sektörü – Bursa ili örneği
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Ahıska Türkleri, 1944 yılında Stalin yönetimi tarafından Özvatanlarından koparıldıktan bu yana sürgün hayatı yaşayan ve dünyanın dört bir yanında dağınık halde bulunan bir Türk topluluğudur. Haksız politik gerekçelerle göçe zorlanan Ahıskalılar, her ne kadar çalışkan bir grup olarak bilinseler de çoğu göçmen gibi varış noktasının işgücü piyasasına uyum sağlamada bir takım zorluklar yaşamaktadırlar. Göç, sürgün ve işgücü piyasası olguları bir arada değerlendirildiğinde ise kadınlara atfedilen dezavantajlı konumun mahiyeti genişlemektedir. Böylesi zorluklarla bütünleşmiş bir alanda Ahıska Türkü kadınların iş hayatlarında yaşadıkları zorlukları ile uyumlarını kolaylaştırıcı etkenleri ve politika yapıcılardan beklentilerini açığa çıkarmak ise işgücü piyasasına katılım ve uyum sürecini anlamayı kolaylaştırabilir. Ahıska Türkü kadınların işgücü piyasasına katılım ve uyumlarını ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bu çalışma, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan ve deneyimlere odaklanan Fenomenoloji yöntemiyle yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, Güzellik ve Kişisel Bakım Sektöründe çalışan 20 Ahıska Türkü kadınla yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılarak görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiş, toplanan veriler içerik analizine tabi tutulmuş ve katılımcıların işgücü piyasasına uyumlarını açıklayan kodlar kategorize edilmiştir. Ahıska Türkü kadınların vatandaşlığa geçmelerinin veya çalışma izni almalarının zaman alması ve diploma denkliğindeki engellere bağlı olarak başlarda izinsiz veya vasıfsız işlerde çalışmaları ile sektörün Türkiye’de yeni yeni gelişmeye başaması, işgücü piyasasına uyumlarını zorlaştırsa da menşe ülkelerinden aldıkları nitelikli eğitim, yaptıkları işle ilgili becerilere sahip olmaları, işlerini severek yapmaları, anadillerinin Türkiye resmi diliyle benzerlik göstermesi ve sektörde çalışanlarla daha önceden bağlantılı olmaları, işgücü piyasasına katılımlarını ve uyumlarını kolaylaştırmıştır.
Meskhetian Turks are a Turkish community that has been living in exile since they were separated from their homeland by the Stalin administration in 1944 and are scattered all over the world. Forced to migrate for unfair political reasons, Meskhetian Turks, although known as a hard-working group, like most migrants, have some difficulties in adapting to the labor market of the destination. When migration, exile, and labor market phenomena are considered together, the nature of the disadvantaged position attributed to women expands. In a field integrated with such difficulties, revealing the problems experienced by Meskhetian Turkish women in their business life, the factors that facilitate their adaptation, and their expectations from policymakers can facilitate understanding of the process of participation and adaptation to the labor market. This study, which aims to reveal the participation and adaptation of Meskhetian Turkish women in the labor market, was conducted using the phenomenology method, one of the qualitative research methods, and focuses on experiences. The study conducted interviews with 20 Meskhetian Turkish women working in the Beauty and Personal Care Sector using a semi-structured interview form; the collected data were subjected to content analysis, and the codes explaining the participants' adaptation to the labor market were categorized. Although it took time for Meskhetian Turkish women to obtain citizenship or work permits, and they initially worked in unauthorized or unskilled jobs due to the obstacles in diploma equivalence and the fact that the sector has only recently started to develop in Turkey made it difficult for them to adapt to the labor market, the qualified education they received from their country of origin, the fact that they have skills related to their work, that they enjoy their work, that their mother tongue is similar to the official language of Turkey, and that they have previous connections with those working in the sector facilitated their participation and adaptation to the labor market.
Meskhetian Turks are a Turkish community that has been living in exile since they were separated from their homeland by the Stalin administration in 1944 and are scattered all over the world. Forced to migrate for unfair political reasons, Meskhetian Turks, although known as a hard-working group, like most migrants, have some difficulties in adapting to the labor market of the destination. When migration, exile, and labor market phenomena are considered together, the nature of the disadvantaged position attributed to women expands. In a field integrated with such difficulties, revealing the problems experienced by Meskhetian Turkish women in their business life, the factors that facilitate their adaptation, and their expectations from policymakers can facilitate understanding of the process of participation and adaptation to the labor market. This study, which aims to reveal the participation and adaptation of Meskhetian Turkish women in the labor market, was conducted using the phenomenology method, one of the qualitative research methods, and focuses on experiences. The study conducted interviews with 20 Meskhetian Turkish women working in the Beauty and Personal Care Sector using a semi-structured interview form; the collected data were subjected to content analysis, and the codes explaining the participants' adaptation to the labor market were categorized. Although it took time for Meskhetian Turkish women to obtain citizenship or work permits, and they initially worked in unauthorized or unskilled jobs due to the obstacles in diploma equivalence and the fact that the sector has only recently started to develop in Turkey made it difficult for them to adapt to the labor market, the qualified education they received from their country of origin, the fact that they have skills related to their work, that they enjoy their work, that their mother tongue is similar to the official language of Turkey, and that they have previous connections with those working in the sector facilitated their participation and adaptation to the labor market.
Ahıska Türkü kadınlar, Güzellik ve kişisel bakım sektörü, Bursa’daki Ahıska Türkleri, İşgücü piyasasına uyum, Özvatan Türkiye, Fenemonoloji, Meskhetian Turkish women, Beauty and personal care sector, Meskhetian Turks in Bursa, Adaptation to the labor market, Homeland Türkiye, Phenomenology