Okulda disiplin
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Disiplin çocuk ve ergen için gereklidir. Çünkü, disiplin, çocuğun sağlam kişilikli, çevresiyle etkin ve dengeli uyum kuran, kendine güvenen bir birey olarak yetişmesi için önem taşıyan sağlıklı tutum ve kuralları içerir. Öğretmen otoriter de olmamalı, otorite boşluğu da yaratmamalıdır. Otorite sahibi olmalı, demokratik tutum takınmalıdır. Demokratik öğretmen çocuğu sever, sayar. Hakça davranır, tartışmaya açıktır. Sağlam kişiliğiyle öğrenci üzerinde saygı yaratır. Böyle bir öğretmenin öğrencileri dersi, çalışmayı, okulu severler, benimserler; etkin öğrenme çabası gösterirler. Ceza, istenmedik davranışı bastırırsa da, çocuğa, bu davranışın yerine hangi istendik davranışın gösterileceğine ilişkin ipucu vermez; yeni bir davranışı öğrenmesi için yardımcı olmaz Bu nedenle çocuğun ya da ergenin olumsuz davranışının altında yatan nedenler araştırılıp, bu nedenlerin giderilmesi için eğitsel önlemler alınmalıdır. İşlevsel bir öğretim program, etkin bir rehberlik hizmeti, işlerliği olan okul aile işbirliği ve okul binasıyla bahçesinin "çevre denetimi" kurulacak biçimde kullanılması, okulda disiplin sağlamaya yardımcı başlıca etkenlerdir. Öğretim hizmetinin yeterli ve etkili olması disiplin sağlamayı da kolaylaştır.
Discipline in necessary for the child and adolescent. Because, it includes healthy manners and rules which provides the child a strong personality, functional and balanced accomodation with the other people around. A teacher must not be an authoritarian person but an authoritative one. An authoritative teacher shows democratic manners. Democratic teacher likes and respects the child; protects everybody's rights and gives importance to the child's personality; and he (or she) is always open to discuss everything with the students. In return, the students respect a democratic teacher who has a strong personality. With such a teacher, they like working the lessons and the school. They can be easily functional in the school. Punishment generally seems to press an undesirable behavior. However, it doesn't give the child any cue about the desirable behavior and it doesn't help the child how to learn the desirable behavior, either. Therefore, the reasons for the child's undesirable behavior must be determined and necessary educational measures must be taken to prevent them. Some important measures to provide discipline in the school, can be a functional educational program, a well organized advisorship service, a cooperation beetween the school and the family and a good environmental control. In addition to all these, the efficiency and adequacy of educational activities help to provide discipline in the school.
Discipline in necessary for the child and adolescent. Because, it includes healthy manners and rules which provides the child a strong personality, functional and balanced accomodation with the other people around. A teacher must not be an authoritarian person but an authoritative one. An authoritative teacher shows democratic manners. Democratic teacher likes and respects the child; protects everybody's rights and gives importance to the child's personality; and he (or she) is always open to discuss everything with the students. In return, the students respect a democratic teacher who has a strong personality. With such a teacher, they like working the lessons and the school. They can be easily functional in the school. Punishment generally seems to press an undesirable behavior. However, it doesn't give the child any cue about the desirable behavior and it doesn't help the child how to learn the desirable behavior, either. Therefore, the reasons for the child's undesirable behavior must be determined and necessary educational measures must be taken to prevent them. Some important measures to provide discipline in the school, can be a functional educational program, a well organized advisorship service, a cooperation beetween the school and the family and a good environmental control. In addition to all these, the efficiency and adequacy of educational activities help to provide discipline in the school.
Okul, Disiplin
Nas, R. (1989). "Okulda disiplin ". Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(1), 171-182.