Türk batılılaşmasında Medeni Kanun’un önemi
Şenel, Nilüfer Uğurlu
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bir toplumun sahip olduğu medeniyetin göstergesi olan hukuk, tarihi bir sürecin ve yaşanmışlıkların bir sonucu olabileceği gibi, aynı zamanda toplumu biçimlendiren bir araç olma özelliğine de sahiptir. Osmanlı’da, Tanzimat döneminde, dış baskı ve kapitülasyonlardan kurtulma isteği sonucunda başlayan Avrupa hukukunun iktibası süreci, 1926’da İsviçre Medeni Kanunu’nun alınmasıyla tamamlanmıştır. Eski dönemden farklı olarak, topyekün batı medeniyetine dahil olma kararı alan inkılapçılar, medeni kanun ile mevcut toplumsal yapıyı da değiştirmeyi amaçlamışlardır.
Law is an indicator of the civilisation which has the community. It is the way of giving shape to the populace or it may a result of historical process and experiences of life. The westernization of the laws in the Ottoman State, started after the Tanzimat. This process was completed by civil code which was accepted on 17th February 1926. It was a literal translation of the Swiss code. In this manner, it was broken with the tradition of hundreds of years. So, civil code just isn’t a law reform for Turkey, same time it is a project of civilisation that aims changing the social structure.
Law is an indicator of the civilisation which has the community. It is the way of giving shape to the populace or it may a result of historical process and experiences of life. The westernization of the laws in the Ottoman State, started after the Tanzimat. This process was completed by civil code which was accepted on 17th February 1926. It was a literal translation of the Swiss code. In this manner, it was broken with the tradition of hundreds of years. So, civil code just isn’t a law reform for Turkey, same time it is a project of civilisation that aims changing the social structure.
Medeni hukuk, Batılılaşma, Mahmut Esat Bozkurt, Hukuk, Toplumsal değişme, Cod civil, Westernisation, Law, Social transformation
Şenel, N. U. (2003). ''Türk batılılaşmasında Medeni Kanun’un önemi''. Atatürkçü Bakış, 2(4), 73-92.