Mukallidin imanı
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İmanın insana yararlı olması için öncelikle “mü’menünbih” açısından araştırma ve inceleme yapılması esas olmakla birlikte; hiçbir araştırmaya girişmeden inanan kimselerin (mukallid) durumu, kelâm tarihinde bir problem olarak incelenmiştir. İnancın nazar ve istidlâl ile gerçekleşmesi, dinin insan hayatındaki yaptırım gücü açısından önemlidir. Yozlaşmanın ve bidatlerin önüne geçecek en temel husus, topluma dinî konularda önderlik eden kişilerin niteliklerinde aranmalıdır.
It is essential to inquire and to investigate for believing in order to be useful to mankind. The state of who believe without any reflection, however, has been perceived as a problem in Islamic theological literature. To believe by way of reflection and inference is important with regard of power of sanction of religion upon human’s life. The main factor that will prevent degeneration and innovations has to be sought in the qualities of whom lead the society in religious issues.
It is essential to inquire and to investigate for believing in order to be useful to mankind. The state of who believe without any reflection, however, has been perceived as a problem in Islamic theological literature. To believe by way of reflection and inference is important with regard of power of sanction of religion upon human’s life. The main factor that will prevent degeneration and innovations has to be sought in the qualities of whom lead the society in religious issues.
İman, Taklid, Mukallid, Tahkik, Muhakkik, Belief, Taqlīd, Muqallid, Tahqīq, Muhaqqiq
Yücedoğru, T. (2005). "Mukallidin imanı". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 19-40.