Nesfatin-1 nöronları üzerindeki eksitatör ve inhibitör aksonal sonlanmaların immünohistokimyasal olarak belirlenmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Nesfatin-1 besin alımını baskılayan anoreksijenik peptit olup, hipotalamusda yerleşik nöronlar tarafından sentezlenir ve salgılanır. Çalışmamızda nesfatin-1 nöronları üzerinde eksitatör ve inhibitör nörotransmitterlere ait etkiyi göstermek amaçlandı. Bu kapsamda glutamat, asetilkolin ve GABA’yı nörotransmitter olarak kullanan nöronların belirlenmesinde belirteç olarak uygulanan veziküler taşıyıcı proteinlerine ait birincil antikorların her biri ile nesfatin-1 primer antikoru kullanılarak ikili peroksidaz immünohistokimya boyama yapıldı. Yüzen kesitler üzerinde uygulanan ikili işaretlemelerde nesfatin-1 reaksiyonu diaminobenzidin ile kahverengi olarak belirlenirken, veziküler taşıyıcı proteinler nikel eklenen diaminobenzidin ile siyah renkte işaretlendi. Preparatlar hipotalamik supraoptik çekirdekte yerleşik nesfatin-1 nöronlarının hangi oranda ilgili veziküler taşıyıcı protein içeren sonlanmalarla temas halinde oldukları mikroskobik analizlerle belirlendi. İnnervasyon alan nesfatin-1 nöron oranları nörotransmitterler arasında karşılaştırıldı. Ayrıca dişi ve erkek denekler arası cinsiyete bağlı olası farklılıklar incelendi. Dişi deneklerde supraoptik çekirdekteki nesfatin-1 nöronlarının %69’u VGLUT2 teması yaparken, erkek deneylerde bu oran %88 olarak bulundu. Nesfatin-1 nöronlarındaki VGLUT3 ekspresyonu dişi hayvanlarda %53, erkek grubunda ise %66 olarak hesaplandı. VGLUT2 ile teması olan nesfatin-1 nöronlarının sayısının erkekte dişilere göre anlamlı olarak yüksek olduğu görüldü. VGLUT3 içeren sonlanmalarla temasta cinsiyetler arası bir fark tespit edilmedi. Supraoptik çekirdekteki nesfatin-1 nöronlarının VGAT içeren aksonlarla teması dişi deneklerde %98, erkek deneklerde %97 oranında olup cinsiyetler arası istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı. Aynı bölgedeki nesfatin-1 nöronlarında VAChT içeren innervasyona hem dişi deneklerde hem de erkek deneklerde rastlanmadı. Veziküler nörotransmitter taşıyıcı proteinlerle olan temasta en yoğun olarak GABAerjik innervasyonun etkili olduğu anlaşıldı. Sonuç olarak nesfatin-1 nöronlarının hem eksitatör hem de inhibitör etkili nöronlarca innerve edilebileceği ve eksitatör uyarıda glutamaterjik sistemin, inhibitör uyarıda ise GABAerjik sistemin rol oynadığı anlaşıldı.
Nesfatin-1 is an anorexigenic peptide suppressing food intake and is synthesized and secreted by neurons located in the hypothalamus. In our study, it was aimed to demonstrate the effect of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters on nesfatin-1 neurons. In this context, dual peroxidase immunohistochemistry staining was performed using nesfatin-1 primary antibody with each of the primary antibodies of vesicular transporter proteins applied as markers for neurons using glutamate, acetylcholine and GABA as neurotransmitters. In double labeling applied on floating sections nesfatin-1 reaction was determined in brown with diaminobenzidine, while vesicular carrier proteins were marked in black. Slides were analyzed to determine the ratio of nesfatin-1 neurons in the supraoptic nucleus contacting with relevant vesicular carrier protein. The ratios of nesfatin-1 neurons with the innervation was compared among neurotransmitters. In addition, possible gender differences between male and female were examined. While 69% of nesfatin-1 neurons in the supraoptic nucleus contact VGLUT2 in female, this rate was 88% in male. VGLUT3 contacts in nesfatin-1 neurons was 53% in female and 66% in male. The difference in the number of VGLUT2-contacting nesfatin-1 neurons was significantly higher in males when compared to female. The difference between male and female groups was insignificant in the number of nesfatin-1 neurons contacting VGLUT3-containing endings. The contacting ratio of nesfatin-1 neurons with VGAT-positive axons was 98% in female and 97% in male with no significance between genders. In the same region no contacts of VAChT-containing axons were found on nesfatin-1 neurons in both female and male subjects. When the axonal contact of vesicular neurotransmitter transporter proteins was compared between the neurotransmitters, it was determined that the most prominent innervation is GABAergic. In conclusion it is understood that the nesfatin-1 neurons can be innervated by both excitatory and inhibitory neurons and glumatergic system is effective in the excitatory innervation while GABAergic system plays a role in the inhibitory mechanism.
Nesfatin-1 is an anorexigenic peptide suppressing food intake and is synthesized and secreted by neurons located in the hypothalamus. In our study, it was aimed to demonstrate the effect of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters on nesfatin-1 neurons. In this context, dual peroxidase immunohistochemistry staining was performed using nesfatin-1 primary antibody with each of the primary antibodies of vesicular transporter proteins applied as markers for neurons using glutamate, acetylcholine and GABA as neurotransmitters. In double labeling applied on floating sections nesfatin-1 reaction was determined in brown with diaminobenzidine, while vesicular carrier proteins were marked in black. Slides were analyzed to determine the ratio of nesfatin-1 neurons in the supraoptic nucleus contacting with relevant vesicular carrier protein. The ratios of nesfatin-1 neurons with the innervation was compared among neurotransmitters. In addition, possible gender differences between male and female were examined. While 69% of nesfatin-1 neurons in the supraoptic nucleus contact VGLUT2 in female, this rate was 88% in male. VGLUT3 contacts in nesfatin-1 neurons was 53% in female and 66% in male. The difference in the number of VGLUT2-contacting nesfatin-1 neurons was significantly higher in males when compared to female. The difference between male and female groups was insignificant in the number of nesfatin-1 neurons contacting VGLUT3-containing endings. The contacting ratio of nesfatin-1 neurons with VGAT-positive axons was 98% in female and 97% in male with no significance between genders. In the same region no contacts of VAChT-containing axons were found on nesfatin-1 neurons in both female and male subjects. When the axonal contact of vesicular neurotransmitter transporter proteins was compared between the neurotransmitters, it was determined that the most prominent innervation is GABAergic. In conclusion it is understood that the nesfatin-1 neurons can be innervated by both excitatory and inhibitory neurons and glumatergic system is effective in the excitatory innervation while GABAergic system plays a role in the inhibitory mechanism.
Nesfatin-1, Veziküler nörotransmitter taşıyıcı protein, Supraoptik çekirdek, GABA, Glutamat, Vesicular neurotransmitter transporter protein, Supraoptic nucleus, Glutamate
Aghayeva, A. (2022). Nesfatin-1 nöronları üzerindeki eksitatör ve inhibitör aksonal sonlanmaların immünohistokimyasal olarak belirlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.