Yeni dönem şifacılık yönelimlerinden biyoenerjinin oluşumu, gelişimi ve Türkiye’deki dindar bireyler üzerindeki etkisine dair bir araştırma
Yakut, Ebru
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Modern dönemde New Age yaklaşımlarından biri olan biyoenerji uygulamaları gün geçtikçe popülerleşmekte, dindar ve seküler bireyler arasında aynı oranda ivme kazanarak sosyal platformlar ve internet aracılığıyla geniş bir kitleye yayılmaktadır. Enerji şifacılığı uygulamalarının arasında biyoenerjinin ulaşılabilirliği ve kullanılabilirliği açısından kolaylığı, daha çok tercih edilme sebeplerindendir. Çalışmada biyoenerjinin Türkiye’deki dindar insanların duygu ve düşünce yapılarında yol açtığı değişiklikler ve bu değişimin dindarlıkla ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, modern şifacılık yönelimlerinden biyoenerjinin dayandığı felsefeyi izah etmek ve her geçen gün taraftarı artmakta olan bu uygulamalara duyulan ihtiyaçların sebeplerini, inanç ve yaşayışla bağlantısını ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada, literatür tarama, mülâkat (yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği), nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma temelinde spiritüel, maneviyat, din, dindarlık, New Age, şifacılık ve biyoenerji kavramları ele alınmıştır. Ardından spiritüel çalışmalara katılan bireylerin demografik özelliklerini, din ve dindarlık hakkındaki düşüncelerini, spiritüel deneyimlerini, inanç ve ritüellerini tespit etmeye yönelik sorulardan oluşan mülakat formu oluşturulmuştur. Biyoenerji gibi spiritüel akımlara katılanlarla yapılan görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler betimsel ve içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Ulaşılan bulgular paylaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de biyoenerji uygulamalarının en fazla kadınlar arasında yaygınlık kazandığı görülmüştür. Bu spiritüel yaklaşımlara katılanların yaş aralığı genelde 25-45 civarındadır. Bu oluşumlara katılanlar arasında kurumsal bir dine mensup olanların oranı daha yüksektir. Bu faaliyetlere katılan bireylerin çoğunun ahiret inancı vardır. Spiritüel yaklaşımlara yönelen bireylerin birçoğu yaşadıkları bunalımlardan uzaklaşabilmek için bu oluşumları bir umut olarak görmüşlerdir. Birçoğu dinsel bir kimlikle sunduğu tekniklerden memnunken bir kısmı rahatsızlık duyduğunu belirtmiştir. New Age veya spiritüel akımlarla ilgili akademik çalışmalara bakıldığında bunların çoğunlukla uluslararası literatürde yer aldığı görülmektedir. Türkçe literatüre bakıldığında ise konuyla ilgili çok az sayıda çalışmaya rastlanmaktadır. Alana dair açıklayıcı ve kapsamlı bir çalışma ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır.
Bioenergy applications, one of the New Age approaches in the modern period, are becoming more popular day by day, gaining momentum equally among religious and secular individuals and spreading to a wide audience through social platforms and the internet. Among energy healing applications, bioenergy's accessibility and usability are among the reasons why it is more preferred. In the study, the changes caused by bioenergy in the emotional and mental structures of religious people in Turkey and the relationship of this change with religiosity were examined. The aim of the study is to explain the philosophy on which bioenergy, one of the modern healing tendencies, is based and to reveal the reasons for the need for these practices, whose supporters are increasing day by day, and their connection with belief and life. In the research, literature review, interview (semi-structured interview technique) and qualitative research methods were used. On the basis of the research, the concepts of spirituality, spirituality, religion, religiosity, New Age, healing and bioenergy were discussed. Then, an interview form was created consisting of questions to determine the demographic characteristics of individuals participating in spiritual studies, their thoughts about religion and religiosity, their spiritual experiences, beliefs and rituals. Data obtained from interviews with participants in spiritual movements such as bioenergy were subjected to descriptive and content analysis. The findings were shared. In this study, it was observed that bioenergy applications were most prevalent among women in Turkey. The age range of those who participate in these spiritual approaches is generally around 25-45. Among those who participate in these formations, the proportion of those who belong to an institutional religion is higher. Most of the individuals participating in these activities have a belief in the afterlife. Many of the individuals who turned to spiritual approaches saw these formations as hope to get away from the crises they experienced. While many of them were satisfied with the techniques he offered with a religious identity, some expressed discomfort. When we look at academic studies on New Age or spiritual movements, we see that they are mostly included in international literature. When we look at the Turkish literature, we find very few studies on the subject. It is aimed to present a descriptive and comprehensive study of the field.
Bioenergy applications, one of the New Age approaches in the modern period, are becoming more popular day by day, gaining momentum equally among religious and secular individuals and spreading to a wide audience through social platforms and the internet. Among energy healing applications, bioenergy's accessibility and usability are among the reasons why it is more preferred. In the study, the changes caused by bioenergy in the emotional and mental structures of religious people in Turkey and the relationship of this change with religiosity were examined. The aim of the study is to explain the philosophy on which bioenergy, one of the modern healing tendencies, is based and to reveal the reasons for the need for these practices, whose supporters are increasing day by day, and their connection with belief and life. In the research, literature review, interview (semi-structured interview technique) and qualitative research methods were used. On the basis of the research, the concepts of spirituality, spirituality, religion, religiosity, New Age, healing and bioenergy were discussed. Then, an interview form was created consisting of questions to determine the demographic characteristics of individuals participating in spiritual studies, their thoughts about religion and religiosity, their spiritual experiences, beliefs and rituals. Data obtained from interviews with participants in spiritual movements such as bioenergy were subjected to descriptive and content analysis. The findings were shared. In this study, it was observed that bioenergy applications were most prevalent among women in Turkey. The age range of those who participate in these spiritual approaches is generally around 25-45. Among those who participate in these formations, the proportion of those who belong to an institutional religion is higher. Most of the individuals participating in these activities have a belief in the afterlife. Many of the individuals who turned to spiritual approaches saw these formations as hope to get away from the crises they experienced. While many of them were satisfied with the techniques he offered with a religious identity, some expressed discomfort. When we look at academic studies on New Age or spiritual movements, we see that they are mostly included in international literature. When we look at the Turkish literature, we find very few studies on the subject. It is aimed to present a descriptive and comprehensive study of the field.
Din, Maneviyat, Spiritüel, Dindarlık, New age, Şifacılık, Biyoenerji, Religion, Spirituality, Spiritual, Piety, Healing, Bioenergy