Kant'ta gerçekliğin kuruluşu
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, konusu itibariyle, Kant'ın aşkınsal idealizm düşüncesinin teorik ve pratik akıl çerçevesinde gerçekliğe dair çizdiği çerçeve incelenecektir. Kant'ın kritik sonrası düşüncesinde bütün bilgi imkanlarının nasıl özne merkezli kurulduğu, özneden bağımsız bir gerçekliğin bilinip bilinemeyeceği, herhangi bir gerçeklikten söz edilecekse bunun nasıl bir zemin üzerine inşa edildiği ve ahlak metafiziğinin hangi gerçeklik tasavvuru üzerine kurulacağı gibi konulara odaklanılmıştır. Kant, bir tarafta hümanist çerçevede gerçeklik tasarımı ortaya koymuşken diğer tarafta kendinde şeyler açısından gerçekliğin var olduğunu dile getirir. Kant'ta numen ve fenomen düzeyindeki varlık bilgisinin, bilgi imkanları açısından, hangi düzeyde bilinir olduğunun incelemesi Türkçe literatürdeki Kant çalışmalarına bir nebze de olsa katkı sağlayacağını düşünüyoruz. Bu çalışmada kapsam olarak antik çağdan Kant'a doğru, gerçekliğin nasıl bir kavramsal bütünlük ile ele alındığı, hangi epistemolojik yöntemler ile inşa edildiği ve tarihin çeşitli izleklerinde hangi meselelerin problem edildiği, gerçekliğe giden bilgi imkanlarının temel tartışmalarını ve bir ilim olarak gerçekliği inceleyen metafiziğin Kant açısından nasıl değerlendirildiğini, bu doğrultuda eğer metafizik mümkün ise Kant'ın metafizik açısından nasıl bir yöntem arayışı içinde olduğu ve ilk iki kritiği üzerinden Kant'ın inşa ettiği gerçeklik zemini ortaya koyulmaya çalışılacaktır. Sonuç olarak Kant, gerçekliğin iki temel veçhesinin olduğunu dile getirir. İlki özne merkezli ve aklın imkanları çerçevesinde kurulan aşkınsal idealizm kavramsallaştırması ile kendisini ortaya koyan fenomenal gerçeklik düzlemidir. İkincisi ise numen veya kendinde şeyler olarak farklı açılardan adlandırılan, zaman iç görü formu üzerinden, kendinde şeylerde kalıcılık özelliği olması sayesinde var olduklarını bildiğimiz dışsal gerçekliklerdir. Bu çalışmada her ikisi de ele alınmıştır.
This study, in terms of its subject, will examine the framework that Kant's transcendental idealism draws regarding reality within the framework of theoretical and practical reason. In Kant's post-critical thought, it focuses on issues such as how all possibilities of knowledge are established in the subject center, whether a reality independent of the subject can be known, on what basis it is built if any reality is to be mentioned, and on which conception of reality the metaphysics of morality will be founded. On the one hand, Kant presents a conception of reality within a humanist framework, while on the other hand, he states that reality exists in terms of things in themselves. We believe that examining the level at which knowledge of existence at the level of noumenon and phenomenon is known in terms of possibilities of knowledge in Kant will contribute to Kant studies in Turkish literature to some extent. This study will attempt to present the conceptual integrity of reality from ancient times to Kant, the epistemological methods with which it was constructed, and the issues that were problematic in various paths of history, the fundamental discussions of the possibilities of knowledge leading to reality, and how metaphysics, which examines reality as a science, was evaluated from Kant's perspective, and in this context, if metaphysics is possible, what kind of a method Kant sought in terms of metaphysics, and the ground of reality that Kant constructed through his first two critiques. As a result, Kant states that reality has two fundamental aspects. The first is the plane of phenomenal reality that reveals itself with the conceptualization of transcendental idealism, which is centered on the subject and established within the framework of the possibilities of reason. The second is external realities that we know exist thanks to the permanence of things in themselves, which are called noumena or things in themselves from different perspectives, through the form of time insight. Both are discussed in this study.
This study, in terms of its subject, will examine the framework that Kant's transcendental idealism draws regarding reality within the framework of theoretical and practical reason. In Kant's post-critical thought, it focuses on issues such as how all possibilities of knowledge are established in the subject center, whether a reality independent of the subject can be known, on what basis it is built if any reality is to be mentioned, and on which conception of reality the metaphysics of morality will be founded. On the one hand, Kant presents a conception of reality within a humanist framework, while on the other hand, he states that reality exists in terms of things in themselves. We believe that examining the level at which knowledge of existence at the level of noumenon and phenomenon is known in terms of possibilities of knowledge in Kant will contribute to Kant studies in Turkish literature to some extent. This study will attempt to present the conceptual integrity of reality from ancient times to Kant, the epistemological methods with which it was constructed, and the issues that were problematic in various paths of history, the fundamental discussions of the possibilities of knowledge leading to reality, and how metaphysics, which examines reality as a science, was evaluated from Kant's perspective, and in this context, if metaphysics is possible, what kind of a method Kant sought in terms of metaphysics, and the ground of reality that Kant constructed through his first two critiques. As a result, Kant states that reality has two fundamental aspects. The first is the plane of phenomenal reality that reveals itself with the conceptualization of transcendental idealism, which is centered on the subject and established within the framework of the possibilities of reason. The second is external realities that we know exist thanks to the permanence of things in themselves, which are called noumena or things in themselves from different perspectives, through the form of time insight. Both are discussed in this study.
Gerçeklik, Hakikat, Bilgi, Yöntem, Kant., Reality, Truth, Knowledge, Methot, Kant