Tescil edilen adi fiğ (Vicia sativa L.) çeşitleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi’nde üç adi fiğ (Vicia sativa L.) çeşidi ıslah edilmiş ve 16 Mayıs 1994 tarihinde Tescil Komitesi tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Adi fiğ ıslah projesine 1981 yılında çoğu Türkiye kökenli adi fiğ populasyonlarının toplanması ile başlanmıştır. 1981-1987 yılları arasında kışa dayanıklılık, fide gücü, çiçeklenme tarihi, büyüme şekli, ot ve tohum verimi, sert tohumluluk gibi birçok tarımsal özellik yönünden tek bitki seleksiyonları yapılmıştır. Tüm hatlar bu özellikler yönünden incelenmiş ve sonuçta en iyi üç hat seçilmiştir. Bu hatlar 17-1, 20-1, 31-4 kodları ile 1987-1991 döneminde özellikle ot ve tohum verimi yönünden Bursa, Eskişehir ve Ankara kıraç koşullarında denenmiştir. Hatlar daha sonra Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı. Tohumluk Tescil ve Sertifikasyon Merkezi tarafından İstanbul, Erzurum ve Afyon'da üç yıl süre ile adi fiğ verim denemelerine alınmıştır. Ot ve tohum verimi yönünden tescilli adi fiğ çeşitlerine olan üstünlüğü nedeniyle, 17-1, 20-1 ve 31-4 hatları sırası ile NİLÜFER. EMİR ve ULUDAĞ adları ile tescil edilmiştir. Tescil edilen yeni çeşitlerin Türkiye’de diğer adi fiğ çeşitlerinin yetişme alanlarına uyum göstermesi beklenmektedir. Çeşitler kışa orta derecede dayanıklıdır. Bu nedenle kıyı bölgelerimizde sonbaharda ekilebilmektedir. Diğer bölgelerimizde ilkbahar ekimleri daha uygundur. Tescil edilen çeşitlerin morfolojik ve tarımsal özellikleri aşağıda özetlenmiştir. NİLÜFER donuk sarı renkte tohumlu, mor çiçekli ve olgunlaştığında baklaları kahverengine dönen bir çeşittir. 1000 tane ağırlığı 45-50 gr dır. Diğer çeşitlerle aynı dönemde çiçeklenir. Kıyı bölgelerimize olduğu kadar iç bölgelerimizin sulanabilir alanlarına iyi uyum gösterir. Kıyı bölgelerimizde yapılan verim denemelerinde tohum verimi 200 kg/da, kuru ot verimi ise 600 kg/da dan biraz yüksek bulunmuştur. Doğu Anadolu nun sulanabilir alanlarında benzer sonuçlar alınmıştır. EMİR zeytin yeşili tohumlu, mor çiçekli ve kahverengi baklalı bir çeşittir. İri tohumları vardır. 1000 tane ağırlığı 65 gr’dan 90 gr’a kadar değişir. Kıyı ve geçit bölgelerimize çok iyi uyum gösterir. Kuru ot ve özellikle tohum verimi standart çeşitlerden daha yüksektir. Sonbahar ekimi yapılan kıyı bölgelerimizde EMİR çeşidi, Kubilay çeşidi hariç tüm çeşitlerden 7-14 gün önce çiçeklenir. Verim denemelerinde tohum verimi 230-330 kg/da arasında değişirken, kuru ot verim ortalaması 650 kg/da bulunmuştur. ULUDAĞ çeşidinin tohumları kahverengi noktalı koyu yeşil renkte, çiçekleri mor ve kahverengi baklahdır. 1000 tane ağırlığı 45-48 gr’dır. Orta geççi bir çeşittir ve NİLÜFER ile aynı dönemde çiçeklenir. Kıyı bölgelerimizde diğer standart çeşitlere göre verim üstünlüğü belirlenmiştir. Kuru ot ve tohum verimi NİLÜFER çeşidinden biraz daha yüksektir.
Three common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cultivars were developed at the Uludağ University, Faculty of Agriculture and registered by the National Registration Committee on 16 May 1994. The common vetch breeding project was started in 1981 when several common vetch populations were obtained from different origins, mostly Turkish collections. Based on agronomic traits such as winter survival, seedling vigor, date of flowering, growing habit, hay and seed yield, hard seedness, single plants were selected in the period of 1981-1987. The lines were evaluated for the above mentioned characteristics during this period and finally the besi three lines were selected. They were extensively tested for forage and seed yield from 1987 through 1991 under the designations of 17-1, 20-1 and 31-4 in rainfed conditions of Bursa, Eskişehir, Ankara. Later they were tested in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs common vetch nursery grown in İstanbul, Erzurum, Afyon environments over a 3-year period. Because of their high hay and seed yields compared with other registered public cultivars, the lines 17-1, 20-1 and 3F4 vere licencedas NİLÜFER, EMİR and ULUDAĞ respectively. The registered cultivars are adapted to the same general area as other common vetch cultivars grown in Turkey. They are moderately vinter hardy. Therefore they can be succesfully sown in fail in Coastal regions of the Country. In other regions, spring sovings would be more suitable. The morphologic and agronomic traits of the registered cultivars can be sıımmerized as follovs. NİLÜFER has uniform dull yellow seed coat, purple flowers and brown seed pods at maturity. 1000 seeds weight is 45-50 g. It is almost identical to other cultivars in flowering time. It is adapted to Coastal area as well as in irrigated lands of Inner Anatolia. In yield tests conducted in coastal areas, seed yield averaged slightly higher than 2 mT/ha with hay yield of 6 mT/ha. Similar results were obtained on irrigated plots of East Anatolia. EMİR has olive green seeds, purple flowers and brown pod walls. It has larger seeds with 1000 seeds weigth from 65 t o 90 g. It is best adapted to the coastal and transtition zones with mild winters. In these regions fail sown EMİR flowers 7-14 days earlier than other cultivars, except cv. Kubilay. EMİR produced more seed than other lines and public cultivars tested, and as much her-bage in these regions. Seed yield ranged from 2.3 t o 3.3 mT/ha and hay yield averaged 6.5 mT/ha in yield tests. ULUDAĞ has brown speckled dark green seed coat, purple flowers and brown pods. 1000 seeds weight is 45-48 g. It is medium late cultivar and flower at the same period with NİLÜFER. In yield tests at coastal regions it exhibited a yield advantage över other Standard cultivars. Seed and hay yields were slightly better than NİLÜFER.
Three common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cultivars were developed at the Uludağ University, Faculty of Agriculture and registered by the National Registration Committee on 16 May 1994. The common vetch breeding project was started in 1981 when several common vetch populations were obtained from different origins, mostly Turkish collections. Based on agronomic traits such as winter survival, seedling vigor, date of flowering, growing habit, hay and seed yield, hard seedness, single plants were selected in the period of 1981-1987. The lines were evaluated for the above mentioned characteristics during this period and finally the besi three lines were selected. They were extensively tested for forage and seed yield from 1987 through 1991 under the designations of 17-1, 20-1 and 31-4 in rainfed conditions of Bursa, Eskişehir, Ankara. Later they were tested in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs common vetch nursery grown in İstanbul, Erzurum, Afyon environments over a 3-year period. Because of their high hay and seed yields compared with other registered public cultivars, the lines 17-1, 20-1 and 3F4 vere licencedas NİLÜFER, EMİR and ULUDAĞ respectively. The registered cultivars are adapted to the same general area as other common vetch cultivars grown in Turkey. They are moderately vinter hardy. Therefore they can be succesfully sown in fail in Coastal regions of the Country. In other regions, spring sovings would be more suitable. The morphologic and agronomic traits of the registered cultivars can be sıımmerized as follovs. NİLÜFER has uniform dull yellow seed coat, purple flowers and brown seed pods at maturity. 1000 seeds weight is 45-50 g. It is almost identical to other cultivars in flowering time. It is adapted to Coastal area as well as in irrigated lands of Inner Anatolia. In yield tests conducted in coastal areas, seed yield averaged slightly higher than 2 mT/ha with hay yield of 6 mT/ha. Similar results were obtained on irrigated plots of East Anatolia. EMİR has olive green seeds, purple flowers and brown pod walls. It has larger seeds with 1000 seeds weigth from 65 t o 90 g. It is best adapted to the coastal and transtition zones with mild winters. In these regions fail sown EMİR flowers 7-14 days earlier than other cultivars, except cv. Kubilay. EMİR produced more seed than other lines and public cultivars tested, and as much her-bage in these regions. Seed yield ranged from 2.3 t o 3.3 mT/ha and hay yield averaged 6.5 mT/ha in yield tests. ULUDAĞ has brown speckled dark green seed coat, purple flowers and brown pods. 1000 seeds weight is 45-48 g. It is medium late cultivar and flower at the same period with NİLÜFER. In yield tests at coastal regions it exhibited a yield advantage över other Standard cultivars. Seed and hay yields were slightly better than NİLÜFER.
Adi fiğ (Vicia sativa L.) çeşidi, Adi fiğ ıslah projesi, Nilüfer, Emir, Uludağ, Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cultivars, The common vetch breeding project, The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Açıkgöz, E. vd. (1995). “Tescil edilen adi fiğ (Vicia sativa L.) çeşitleri”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(1), 287-289.