When some complement of a z-closed submodule is a summand

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Taylor & Francis


In this article we study modules with the condition that every z-closed submodule has a complement which is a direct summand. This new class of modules properly contains the class of extending modules. It is well known that the class of extending modules is closed under direct summands, but not under direct sums. In contrast to extending (or CS) modules, it is shown that the class of modules with former property is closed under direct sums. However we provide number of algebraic topological examples which show that this new class of modules is not closed under direct summands. To this end we obtain several results on the inheritance of the latter closure property.



Mathematics, C-11-module, Complement submodule, Extending module, Z-closed submodule, Modules


Kara, Y. ve Tercan, A. (2018). ''When some complement of a z-closed submodule is a summand''. Communications in Algebra, 46(7), 3071-3078.