Modulation of nesfatin-1-induced cardiovascular effects by the central cholinergic system

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Churchill Livingstone


Nesfatin-1, a peptide whose receptor is yet to be identified, has been shown to be involved in the modulation of feeding, stress, and metabolic responses. Recently, increasing evidence has supported a modulatory role of nesfatin-1 in cardiovascular activity. We have previously reported that nesfatin-1 causes an increase in blood pressure in normotensive and hypotensive rats by increasing plasma catecholamine, vasopressin, and renin levels. Recent reports suggest that nesfatin-1 may activate the central cholinergic system. However, there is no evidence showing an interaction between central nesfatin-1 and the cholinergic system. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether the central cholinergic system may have a functional role in the nesfatin-1-induced cardiovascular effect observed in normotensive rats. Intracerebroventricular injection of nesfatin-1 caused short-term increases in mean arterial pressure and heart rate responses including bradycardic/tachycardic phases in normotensive animals. Central injection of nesfatin-1 increased the acetylcholine and choline levels in the posterior hypothalamus, as shown in microdialysis studies. Central pretreatment with the cholinergic muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine and/or nicotinic receptor antagonist mecamylamine blocked nesfatin-1-induced cardiovascular effects. In conclusion, the results show that centrally administered nesfatin-1 produces a pressor effect on blood pressure and heart rate responses including bradycardic/tachycardic phases in normotensive rats. Moreover, according to our findings, the central cholinergic system can modulate nesfatin-1-evoked cardiovascular activity.



Endocrinology & metabolism, Neurosciences & neurology, Nesfatin-1, Blood pressure, Heart rate, Posterior hypothalamic choline/acetylcholine, Cholinergic muscarinic and nicotinic receptors, Thromboxane A2 analog, Injected cdp-choline, Blood-pressure, Hypotensive rats, Conscious rats, Solitary tract, Neurons, Brain, Involvement, Nucleus


Aydın, B. vd. (2018). ''Modulation of nesfatin-1-induced cardiovascular effects by the central cholinergic system''. Neuropeptides, 70, 9-15.
