Restorative effects of uridine plus docosahexaenoic acid in a rat model of Parkinson's disease

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Administering uridine-5'-monophosphate (UMP) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) increases synaptic membranes (as characterized by pre- and post-synaptic proteins) and dendritic spines in rodents. We examined their effects on rotational behavior and dopaminergic markers in rats with partial unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced striatal lesions. Rats receiving UMP, DHA, both, or neither, daily, and intrastriatal 6-OHDA 3 clays after treatment onset, were tested for d-amphetamine-induced rotational behavior and dopaminergic markers after 24 and 28 days, respectively. UMP/DHA treatment reduced ipsilateral rotations by 57% and significantly elevated striatal dopamine, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity, TH protein and synapsin-1 on the lesioned side. Hence, giving uridine and DHA may Partially restore dopaminergic neurotransmission in this model of Parkinson's disease.



Parkinson's disease, Uridine, Docosahexaenoic acid, Dopamine, Tyrosine hydroxylase activity, Synapse, Neurite outgrowth, Partial lesions, Fatty-acids, Brain, Dopamine, Supplementation, Release, Gerbils, Omega-3, System, Neurosciences & neurology


Cansev, M. vd. (208). ''Restorative effects of uridine plus docosahexaenoic acid in a rat model of Parkinson's disease''. Neuroscience Research, 62(3), 206-209.